For you my friend

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This chapter is written because of my friend, because they make me smile even though I give them a hard time. Even though they don't read my stories and I don't tell them about them since I like to keep most of my life separate and not have them intersect together because I feel like if they do and if something happens/tears us apart than I'll loose even more. As this has happened to me before.

Also I did this chapter because I feel like I need to redeem myself for that person who requested a Eugen and Wales's chapter because I don't think the chapter they requested that I wrote for them was my best work/wasn't good enough so it's been on my mind for the past few weeks of making a re-do or a new one to make it up to them. So this chapter is especially for you. I won't make a re-do, I'll just make a new one for you.


Prinz Heinrich was doing her usual rounds with Peter around the warehouses making sure everything was correct and in order.

That's when Weser appeared, informing Peter of some news that had to call her attention away. Heinrich tried to see what it was, since Weser had a clipboard and whatever paper was on it was what she was referring to so... Heinrich had no idea what it was all about. She didn't get to see the paper even though she tried to peak over Peter's shoulder to see what it was but Peter kept it hidden/not wanted to show her.

Peter: " Heinrich finish the last 3 warehouses. I'll meet you at home when I'm finished." Beginning to walk away with Weser.

Heinrich: " o-ok! Ja!" Calling out, waving to her friend even though her back was turned and couldn't see that. Seeing that Peter never turned back around, walking away discussing whatever the matter was with Weser.

Heinrich felt really down about that, but tried to not let it affect her. She inspected the last 3 warehouses than was on her way home. That is until she ran into her sister ship Prinz Adalbert.

" oh! Hey! Little sis!" Heinrich said, greeting her. Wanting to hug her even though she was covered in exhaust oil. She must've been working/fixing something. Which isn't unusual or odd since she and Admiral Hipper do all of the maintained and repairing in Azur Lane.

Adalbert: " nein! I'm too old for that! Come on! Your embarrassing me!" Trying to break off the loving sisterly hug.

Hipper: " hey idiot! We're not done yet!" Calling for her helper/assistant.

" o-oh sorry!" Heinrich said, letting her little sis go. " great! Now you got me in trouble! Thanks a lot sis!" Adalbert said, pouting. Upset at her sister.

Hipper: " Adalbert I'll meet you by the cooling room. I need to speak with Heinrich for a minute." Seeing Adalbert nod and go. Knowing a lot of ships have been complaining about when is that room gonna be fixed since it's so hot in the summer and a lot of ships overheat too.

Heinrich: " hm? Need me for something?" Thinking maybe she'd help Hipper and her sister move something heavy. Since she's very good at that. But not as good as the Cargo Ships who can really lift and carry things. You don't wanna get in Kashino's way she'll run you down, no guns, salvo's, or torpedoes needed.

" ja, Eugen wanted to talk to you about something" Hipper spoke, making Heinrich tilt her head and say " what is it?" Making Hipper shout back angrily " how would I know?! Didn't you hear a word I said?! Or are you as brainless as your dumb sister Adalbert too?! Never listens! Idiots!" Thinking she explained herself pretty clearly that Heinrich needs to speak to Eugen/Eugen wants to speak to Heinrich about something but clearly she doesn't know what or else she'd say it in the sentence and yet what Heinrich asked isn't off by much to inquire more about that something.

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