Unwanted Thoughts

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Continuing where I left off with Mikasa and Ise being separated by their elders.

This was when Ise returned to finally reunite with Mikasa. Only to find that she is a teacher now/someone who trains the youngin ones.

However.... trouble is afoot.

Although Mikasa was doing a great job teaching/training the young ones/younger Sakura Empire ships some of her elders thought that her feelings of missing Ise were being misplaced onto one student in particular. Musashi. They warned her to distance herself between her students but Mikasa had a hard time with it. Since she just enjoyed spending time with all of them and maybe was more friendly than teacher wise.

Musashi at first couldn't do things right. She'd screw up on how much power she'd put into her sword and break everything she touched. This made it extremely difficult to find a sparing partner. Making Musashi kinda an outcast in the Sakura Empire since nobody could really train with her except the elders. Who were able to withstand that kind of power. So she didn't have friends her age... unfortunately.

Mikasa saw her power and potential. She gave her encouragement not to be discouraged. She shaped her into a fine ship, who was not only strong but more experienced than other ships. Giving her " special treatment" such as allowing her to eat lunch with her (since Mikasa saw that Musashi was being outed by other Sakura Empire ships to sit alone), hanging out with her after school (just for more training purposes in addition to also trying to cheer her up with her presence and some wise words), and taking her on every single mission and sortie she went on.

Many students were jealous of Musashi for having power, but also being Mikasa's favorite. Telling Mikasa's elders that she's giving special treatment to Musashi and that isn't fair.

Of course Mikasa's elders had a talk with her about this, but Mikasa didn't really change. Not seeing the storm she's brewing up/setting into motion.

After all... How could she say no to her favorite pupil? She was so blindly proud of Musashi. She was her protege, she molded her into a perfect battle ship. And she was happy to speak highly of her whenever she spoke to her elders on how her teaching was going. They of course were more than pleased to see how well Mikasa was doing teaching her students especially Musashi who Mikasa gave some favoritism/bias/special treatment however they worried that she might be indulging Musashi too much and giving her too much attention/affection which might turn... disastrous/very dangerous... especially given how... love struck Musashi seem to be/act around Mikasa. Who unfortunately is too hard headed/oblivious to notice the signs/warnings. Even though her elders voice their concerns to her, Mikasa doesn't really listen to them and just brushes it off.

Choosing to ignore her elders words and continue on this path. Seeing nothing wrong with it (being too obvious and not seeing how much she's overstepping her bounds with her student). Thinking that it's all innocent but...

Musashi's feeling of respect soon turned to admiration than quickly to love. She loved Mikasa. A lot. It soon became an obsession. She wouldn't let anyone get close to Mikasa. And made sure to take them out if they did. Hurting others who would dare get close to her or say anything bad about her.

All the while leaving Mikasa oblivious to what's taken place. Not knowing she's giving off the wrong signals and making Musashi think she's reciprocating.

She loved it when it was just she and Mikasa hanging out. Alone. Away from others. She enjoyed training with her a lot, thinking that Mikasa is probably the only ship who can take her power. Every sword clash was exhilarating, unlike when she sparred against Mikasa's elders who were all dull. Musashi couldn't get enough of Mikasa begging her to spend more time with her, whether that be training, going on missions and sorties, or eating lunch together.

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