Tournament of Ships part 2

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Everyone at the school was hyped up. They were all excited to go and compete. Wanting to show off their skills and look good in front of the crowd doing it.

" oi do you know where the chambers are?" Javelin asked, Bristol who pointed in that direction.

" thanks! Oh and you'd also better be going or else you'll be late!" Javelin called, hearing Bristol reply back " I'm not competing" as Javelin stopped running to the readying room and asked " oh? And why not?" Thinking she's pretty smart. She'd be a good opponent to go up against.

" hah, a nerd like me? No thanks. I'll find another way to embarrass myself." Bristol said, not entering because of her social status at the school as well as some other ships.

" oi, if you think and talk like than you'll never go anywhere." Javelin said, trying to cheer her up.

" you wouldn't understand, anyway didn't you hear? Some of those popular girls are competing. They're pretty tough. I heard Vanguards participating and she hates fighting so something must've gotten her in the mood... And I most certainly don't wanna find out" Bristol said, wishing Javelin good luck and heading to the stands to get a good spot.

" Vanguards in this?" Javelin said to herself. Knowing she's a tough ship to beat. I mean... she's a rainbow frame ship. That's the top frame you can have. She even beats most of the elder ships and the amount of experience they have. It's a scary thought that a ship can be that strong. In addition, bristols right about Vanguard, where she doesn't like to fight not because she's bad at it no, she's actually excellent at it. But personality wise she just doesn't like to fight. This had Javelin a little worried and concerned. But when she saw her friends there waiting for her that thought quickly exited out of her mind like an airhead and didn't even bother to tell her friends about it.

" what number did we get?" Javelin asked, seeing Ayanami show her the card that had team # 4 on it and they'd be going on next to fight team #3.

Right now team#1 and 2 are gonna begin fighting. Than whoever wins that round will advance to fight whoever won team #3 or 4.

And guess whose going first? Jintsuu's mean girl team vs Wakaba's team.

" woo! Go Fubuki!" Ayanami rooted. Seeing Fubuki on Wakaba's team.

" ready girls?" Jintsuu said, seeing Kongou say " I was born ready" happy to help make up Jintsuu's team. As she was one of Jintsuu's closest mean girl friend.

" born ready to suck some coc-" Z1 was was cut off by being elbowed by Saratoga and said " language" as she gestured with her eyes that she's being watched by big sis Lexington as well as Kawakaze who was keeping an eye on her.

" they're pretty strong..." Naganami said, worried about who they're going up against.

" yeah! But that's the point!" Wakaba said, thinking this is what they signed up for. " let's give it our best shot!" Wakaba said, trying to keep the mood going.

" I know but... do we really need to fight Jintsuu? And Vanguard?..." Fubuki said, hesitant knowing not only are they mean girls so they'll make a living hell for you if they loose but if they win they still make it a living hell for you.

" ugh such a weak team, honestly I can take em" Jintsuu said, seeing the opponents team composition. None of them exceeded purple frame. It was a mix of purple and blue frames.

Azur Lane HighTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon