F U All (jk)

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Z1 was determined to find her 'mother'. Saving up a weeks supply of food to go with her. Taking all her Bulin's with her too. If she happened to run out of food... If she had to, she'd resort eating them. Even though Z1 really hoped it wouldn't come to that. But thank god that Bulin's are so stupid/air headed. So, Z1 could eat one of them right in front of them than a minute later they instantly forget what they just witnessed. Which is great. She lied to all of them telling them she's just moving them to her ship because the storage was getting stuffy. Which isn't false.

Z23: " your not actually going out there are you?" Seeing her sister move the last of the supply crates onto her ship.

" if it was Eugen wouldn't you do the same?" Z1 asked, seeing Z23 open her mouth to argue but closed it. Thinking about it. That she'd probably act the same way.

" w-wait! At least let Eugen or Tirpitz or Friedrich or Bismarck know" Z23 said, thinking her big sister is being reckless and not thinking straight. Needing a support team to go with her as well as inform others what she's doing.

Z1: " look, either you can come and help or just stay out of my way" seeing Z23 grab her arm not wanting her to go.

Z23: " I want to help. But you know as well as I do that Bismarck and the other faction leaders put out a sailing ban and currently is only sending out essential ships for resources, important missions, and rescue vessels out there to look for- (hearing Z1 retort: " ja, and they all came back empty handed!"). Siren activity has increased 10 fold over these past few weeks! You know it's not going to be easy to get results back right away. I'm sure everyone's doing their best to try and find them and I know how your feeling right now but its too dangerous to be going out there. Just wait a few more da-" as Z1 pulled back her arm from her grip.

Z1: " like hell I will! I've waited long enough! And like I care! I can handle myself! And I don't need your pity or help!" Storming out.

Z23: " Z1!" Stomping her foot on the ground. Calling to her sister angrily but to no avail.

Friedrich: " Ulrich I told you many times already. You've gotta eat if you want to be strong. Now. Eat. It." Trying to feed her Siren tentacles. Starting to become fed up with her refusal.

Ulrich: " I've eaten over a thousand pounds of this stuff today. I'm full. Really." Really really stuffed. Thinking the Sirens won't kill her, it's gonna be the food that takes her out. Although the ships never do get fat or appear so, they can still feel very very full.

" Ulrich!" Friedrich called out angrily, seeing her favorite 'daughter' get up and leave. " later mom." Ulrich said, leaving.

" children." Friedrich said, having a mean look on her face from the in her eyes disrespect she saw Ulrich give her.

Z46 tugged on Friedrich and said " I'm still hungry" seeing Friedrich lighten up with a smile and say " that's a good little girl" as she continued to feed Z46 Siren tentacles.

Ulrich saw Z1 exiting the docks.

" you going somewhere?" Ulrich asked, thinking Z1's been skipping out on school for a while. But now got the feeling like she's gonna completely skip out on town.

Z1: " ja, I'm going to find my mom" pulling out of the port.

Ulrich had suspected for a while now that her 'mother' (mama Friedrich) knew more than she was letting on. " wait." Ulrich said, seeing Z1 turn around and say " don't even try to stop me." As she saw Ulrich shake her head and say " I'm not. But I think mama Friedrich knows more than she's letting on"

Z1: " what makes you say that?" Hearing Ulrich explain: " she has this faint scent on her sometimes. It smells musky and of grease and oil like from the schools cafeteria." Hearing Z1 say " Glowworm!" thinking that must be her.

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