Hmm What Is This?

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New students were being enrolled after the success of last semester.

Howe was flooded by a sea of ships. The halls were so narrow and crowded. Everyone bumping into each other to get to the next class or to just wander around aimlessly to find friends, make small talk next to the lockers, or just plain block you just because.

Howe: "oh pardon me, you'll have to forgive me I didn't see you there are you alright?" extending her hand for Roon to take it. Wanting to help her up. Little did Howe know who Roon was and her reputation...

Roon gave her a smile and said " oh, no worries at all. It's fine. So are you new? I've never seen your face before.." taking her hand.

" ahhahhh... you've got quite a grip there..." Howe said, feeling like her hand has been crushed by a car crushing compactor.

Roon: " oh I do?" saying it so innocently like she didn't know.

Everyone in the hall was silent. But clearly paying close attention to the scene.

Howe: " mm hmm, my name's Howe, and it's a pleasure to meet your acquittance um..?" getting Roon to introduce herself.

Roon: " Roon" hearing Howe repeat " Roon?" finding that name quite odd. Tilting her head a little bit to ponder it.

Roon: " is that a problem?" making Howe say " oh! no! not at all, it's a very lovely name." not wanting to give off the impression like that's not a name.

Roon: " well... classes are about to start. It's best if you start leaving my sight before something bad happens..." hinting to Howe that her patience is wearing thin. Hearing Howe say " oh! um if you wouldn't mind but you seem to know your way around here and um I was wonder if you could help me find my first class.. that is if it's not too much trouble" not getting the gist of Roon's threat.

Howe thought she wouldn't be doing this if her no good sister Wales had just shown her around. Knowing she's a pre-k teacher that works here and had advocated that this is a really good school and that her sister should come and enroll, convincing Howe to give it a shot even though she didn't see much need or a point in attending since she believed it was a waste of time but in fact Wales had given her arguments that were so good it changed her mind to give it a shot. To experience different factions cultures, get to make acquittances with other ships of other nations, forge useful alliances/friendships. etc. all that.

All the ships that know better was thinking Howe should run, and not keep pursuing a relationship with someone like Roon.

Roon smiled than said "fine." taking a look at Howe's class list.

" ah you got Hipper? how lucky... were in her gym class together.." Roon commented.

" Hipper? is she good?" Howe asked, seeing Roon widen her smile and say " good? oh ja" making Howe say " wonderful!" not knowing what she's in for.

" maybe we can team up you know?" Howe spoke, hinting to being gym partners in gym class.

" ah Ulrich would be so jealous that she might kill you~" Roon commented, making Howe say " uh.. never mind than let's just forget-" getting cut off by Roon saying " just kidding." in a sing-song like tone.

" she doesn't care one bit, sure. Let's be partners. I hope you don't break easily~" Roon said, making Howe say "uh-" getting cut off once again by Roon saying " here!" showing her to her first class. " after you class I'll pick you up and show you to your next one" Roon said, making Howe say " o-oh that's very generous of you" shocked at how kind hearted Roon is.

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