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Ok, so the person messaged me and told me that chapter wasn't what they wanted, they don't anyone else there except them... ok so, based off this...

Pretend that there wasn't any other survivors other than Eugen and Wales. Wales doesn't have any rib injuries, Eugen just has a broken leg but it isn't that bad.

They sat huddled around a small dimly lit fire. Burning whatever wreckage they could find to keep themselves warm. Thank god in people's luggage's they carry burnable things like clothing as well as paper/notebooks (not all people went to laptops). + praise the people who still read real life paperback books. Those are the real things keeping Wales and Eugen warm using those pages to burn. The fire wasn't that difficult to start, since Eugen smoked so she carried one of those good metal lighters.

It has been 4 days already and nothing. They had begun running out of supplies. Since previously they had looked around the beach's shore to find anything of use/resources. Which they were lucky to find some food that had survived the crash like a few bags of chips floating on the beach's waters. Some bottled water managed to be floating there too. They got really lucky when the food cart made it to the beach's shore which contained some of that trash airplane food stored in there.

But the past 4 days dwindled their supplies and they were running on empty. They only had a small bag of those airplane peanuts left as well as one cracker. Sad really.

The temperature kept dropping as well. Things weren't looking good.

They both huddled together as they were both shivering from the cold. Even though they were sharing one of those airplane blankets. It's still not that great at keeping warmth. Eugen began to tear up, saying "nobody is going to find us" Wales hugged her tighter, closer to her. Trying to support her and say " I'm sure they're looking for us as  we speak"

But even her words to her own ears sounded foreign. That it's most likely nobody would be looking for them. I mean... Wales knew that she had already gotten approved to be on leave so.. none of her co-workers would question her absence. In addition, Eugen had done the same she needed a break and never gave her boss any indication of when she'd return.

Eugen lashed out at Wales at that comment. Not wanting to be comforted. Just wanting Wales to admit the cold hard truth, not wanting soft little lies.

- so while writing this the second person said that's not what they wanted.. they want a new plot now (so now it's gonna be like in a world war 3 like scenario and they now have Eugen as a war prisoner and Wales is in charge of interrogating her)

Even though I was thinking of what continues above as in Eugen and Wales gets use to living on the island, than Wales starts to think that maybe she doesn't even want them both to be found and also have a scene where Eugen finds in a luggage a ;) (you know exactly what I mean) and they could have some 'fun' and Eugen would say " of all the things we've found.." with a smirk, because you know there was gonna be some kind of scene like that. Unfortunately, it won't be written.

Wales: " give me the status report thus far."

Vanguard: " her Majesty will be disappointed that the leader had escaped, but at least we've managed to capture one of her generals. Perhaps we can extract some useful information or use them as a pawn in an exchange if it comes to that."

Ark Royal: " I know it's not my place, but perhaps you can shed some light on any progress. Sheffield has been down there for 5 days and still not a word. I've heard you're quite well at that although I don't exactly know what you do to get them to talk.." speaking to Wales, hoping she can manage to get anything out of Eugen. Knowing that Wale's methods are very different than what standards the Royal Navy uses since Wales doesn't believe in using violence against them nor threats. However, Ark Royal is unable to wrap her head around how Wales can just have some kind of casual conversation with them and get them to spill some secret perhaps on accident or by purpose. Although Wales admits it doesn't always work, and she doesn't do it very often. In fact, she rarely does it. (since it's not her job to extract information and she finds it tiresome a bit to have some kind of engaging wit with them since most of the IronBlood ships just stay quiet as she speaks to herself, the one's that talk always make Wales blood boil with the remarks and comments they make towards her but at least if she's lucky or clever enough to fool them they'll speak on something that'll give a hint to a bit of info).

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