Here's Your Bed. Now Lie In It.

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Unicorn returned to Musashi with what she had requested. As Musashi smiled and told her that she'll hold up the end of her bargain. Giving Unicorn an option where either she can take them out or let her do it.

Unicorn intrigued by the option where she could take them out inquired more about that. Hearing Musashi say " well you know I can create Meta ships. Better versions of ships. So I don't see why I can't make you the same. In fact, why don't you become one of my Meta ships?" There was a brief silence as Unicorn thought about it. At first she was unsure, but... the offer of power/ability to get vengeance... it blinded her. To say " yes" but before she said yes she asked " I thought that once you got their DNA than you can create them and they're a new ship. So how will I be a Meta ship?" Confused.

" oh well you wouldn't be. Not really. You'd be a Mix Meta." Musashi explained, telling Unicorn that she'll be an infusion of herself and the Meta. Continuing " in a way, it's like Retrofitting, you feel how much stronger you've become but you've transformed into something anew."

" is it painful?" Unicorn asked, as she was being led by Musashi to the room where her life would be changed forever.

" you will suffer like no other" Musashi spoke, a small grin on her face. She didn't lie. It would hurt. Unicorn didn't like Musashi's facial expression, but was happy that she didn't lie to her about the process.

U-Chan horse grunted, not wanting to go through with it. Having a bad feeling about this.

Unicorn: " oh U-Chan shush!" Silencing them. Deciding what's best for the both of them. Going into the fusion.


Eugen: " how are you feeling?" Checking up on Z23 as Hipper was in the next room over checking on Z1. You could hear her say " idiot! It's not like I'm concern or anything!"

Z23: " I-I'm fine" trying to get up but Eugen pushed her back down saying " nein, now rest. Here I've brought you some soup. Ahh~" trying to feed it to her as Z23 blushed and turned her head thinking this is so embarrassing especially with Ayanami on the next bed over smirking at her.

But that's when Atago showed up, tapping on Ayanami's shoulder to make her turn to her to get a big hug with her face smothered in that upper deckkkkk...

She had brought Ayanami some home cooked food too. Although... it was burnt. Very burnt. Like your eating coal.

Littorio: " my Signorina! I have come to deliver-! Oh sorry wrong room..." popping in the wrong room.

" next room over" Laffey said, seeing Littorio nod and say " ah grazie (thanks)"


" what the fuck is wrong with women?" Thuringen complained, thinking Mio was one way and now she's another.

" I know right, I ask her where do you wanna eat and she's like I dunno. Than when I give her suggestions she's like no I don't wanna go there" South Dakota said, almost up to here with it.

" talk about hot and cold" Massachusetts said, seeing her girl turn up and down like a broken switch.

" it must be that time of the month again" Alabama said, thinking that must be it.

" no it can't be, not everyday" Bremerton said, thinking that's bs. Even when she's PMSing she doesn't act as crazy/erratic like that.

" bruh I am so hungry right now, I might just die of hunger" Minneapolis said, waiting for their girls to pick where they're going.

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