I got an IDEA ;)

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Javelin was going on ahead of her friends. Blabbing about the newest thing that's upcoming.

Ayanami and Z23 were walking at the same pace, following both second behind Javelin. Hearing her talk and talk and talk for hours literally about this new place that opened up.

It was a new bakery/ice cream parlor. So you know it's gonna be good. Especially since Javelin won't stop talking about, nonstop.

Laffey was walking behind all of them. Yawning. She was extremely tired. Since Javelin woke her up early to get them all going to this new shop that's gonna have a grand opening. Wanting to be the first ones in there.

Laffey understandably was extremely pissed off at Javelin for waking her up this early and wanting to punch her in the face but what can ya do? Laffey just let it go. Putting on her shoes and went with Javelin to go wake up Z23 who didn't at all look disturbed to wake up so early. In fact seeing everyone in her house hold awake already. So I guess she's an early riser? Or maybe IronBlood ships just don't sleep much...

But when they woke up Ayanami. All hell broke loose. She literally exploded on them waking up the whole Sakura Empire with all the screaming and yelling. Even using her sword to swing and try and kill Javelin for doing such a thing.

Fortunately Javelin was very quick, one of the quickest ships around. Ayanami couldn't land a single hit chasing her.

Z23 was trying to calm down Ayanami. Who wanted to steam roll Javelin into the ground for waking up this early for some stupid pastry.

While leaving the Sakura Empire side... they got a lot of dirty looks. Everyone over there was very upset being woken up this early. Even the early birds don't wake up this early.

" so.. you gonna open the door or..." Ayanami said, seeing Javelin just stand there.

Javelin: " of course not silly, they don't open until 7'o clock" making Ayanami burst out in anger " than why wake us up at 3:30am?!?!??!!?!!" Furious at Javelin's timing.

" so we can be the first ones in! Clearly!" Javelin said, not understanding why Ayanami can't see the point.

" you should've woken us up closer to the time..." Laffey said, very annoyed. Now they gotta wait here for 3 more hours and 20 mins.

Ayanami wanted to strangle Javelin right here right now, until Z23 interrupted saying " so you said they're a bakery and ice cream parlor mixed into one?" Making small talk. Not wanting things to escalate between friends.

--- this is where my idea started (I had this thought for a few days now)---

Boss: " so you can see how important this missions is"

Nathan: " uh no?" thinking that this plan is fucking ridiculous. That his boss wants him to infiltrate Azur Lane and get intel/info/spy on them for technological advancement or whatever. Which sounds really reasonable but the only thing is... everyone in Azur Lane is a girl and no man is allowed on the island so...

Boss: " I can't entrust this job to anyone else" telling Nathan he specially chose him to do it.

Nathan: " HELL NO, I'm gonna hand in my resignation papers right now" refusing to blend in and pretend to be a girl over there so they can get some juicy info about Sirens/technology/intelligence of whatever those ship girls got.

Since all the humans didn't go extinct. Only the women did. All the men are just hiding underneath an underground military bunker. Why did all the women die? uh.. some kind of air that targeted women's X chronozones and killed them off? or uh.. some kind of sickness that only affected women? whatever Women all just died.

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