I'll Give You What You Want

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Howe decided to surprise visit Roon for a visit only to see Friedrich caressing her cheek. Making Howe hide behind the corner than peak over again. Surprised at what she just saw. Ok... maybe that's just a mother and daughter like thing?- even though they aren't related. Only in faction though. Since they're both German/IronBlood ships.

Yet, Howe had never known IronBlood ships to show affect towards each other. Unless... you know... that maybe they're in a relationship with each other? And only than... do you see some sort of love. Mostly it's just ridiculously obsessive controlling behavior over one another and mass amounts of jealousy but I guess some bits of love? Maybe?

Friedrich was speaking German to Roon. Since they're on IronBlood, no need to speak English. Howe couldn't interpret.

But what was being said, was completely misunderstood by Howe.

Seeing Friedrich put one arm of Roon's behind her back. Than shoving her to the ground. Saying something in German into ear.

Howe for real thought this was sick and messed up but than again... I guess it's none of her business really. She couldn't help but watch the scene unfold. Her legs wouldn't budge from moving and running away. She couldn't turn her eyes away. Either in shock frozen at the scene or too intrigued to see what happens next. So unsure if she should intervene and stop it or let it play out.

There Friedrich teased with Roon's body, rubbing closely against hers. Friedrich said something else to her in German as she lifted up her skirt.

Howe could take no more of this, she couldn't bare to look. Finally regaining the strength to move, she ran away. Blushing furiously at what she had just witnessed.

The next day of school, Howe couldn't even bare to look at Roon. So embarrassed and flustered at what she saw yesterday.

Roon: " hm? Something the matter?" Seeing her friend's face beat red and stutter.

Roon smiled and said " I know you were watching..." in a kind of sinister tone. Causing Howe to open her mouth but no words came out of it.

Roon: " that's ok, I like an audience~" Was her response.

Howe had no words. What could she even say to that other than " that's sick" and even than she couldn't bring herself to say that. Too baffled.

Roon giggled than said " oh it's not what you think, mama Friedrich was just showing me how I should treat you~" making Howe stunned. Unbelievable, in disbelief.

" I- I don't want to be treated l-like that!" Howe said, overwhelmed with frustration and embarrassment. Thinking how could anyone in their right mind think of such a lewd act. Yet, it's perfectly normal? Maybe? I guess not for the Royal Navy's faction where things are more " proper" in etiquette.

Later that day Howe refused to walk with Roon back to her place. Still very upset and flustered with their conversation.

Roon spoke to her friend Ulrich about it. Who gave her some actually decent advice.

Ulrich: " maybe you should try her factions side of doing things, I heard they take you out to dinner first. I think? I'm not sure." seeing Roon ask " why? It's a waste of time and money" not understanding their concept at all.

Ulrich: " they're not straightforward like us. They're just like Americans. They give you the full run around until you finally get what you want." Telling Roon the big cultural difference between each other's factions.

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