What Bullying Does

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Jintsuu couldn't stand the loss, and neither could her friends/others who were on her team.

Unicorn was taken out early on in the tournament so didn't sustain injuries that would put her in the infirmary for 2 months so... she was only in there for maybe a week or two... but when she got out...

She was ambushed in the girls bathroom. Getting pushed down on the dirty girls bathroom floor where (somehow how is their piss on the floor if they don't got d***'s? Like how?). That's when the kicking (with high heels) started. Rip (I think it's worse for girls because of that). In addition to the horrible things they said to Unicorn at the same time (and you know girls can talk nasty).

After they were done roughing up Unicorn they left the girls bathroom laughing, and feeling proud/happy.

Unicorn was on the floor crying. She didn't understand why they were so mean to her. She never did anything mean to them. Well that's about to change- Unicorn thought. Turning her back on Azur Lane. Deciding she's gonna go out and find Musashi. Who she had heard rumors was a ship killer.

So, Unicorn skipped school that day. At first Wales thought nothing much of it, thinking that Illustrious must be taking care of Unicorn at home because she's sick. Since Wales leaves the house earlier to arrive at school.

That is until Wales came home, and Illustrious was a mess with massacre running down her face. Frantically, asking Wales if Unicorn was with her because she had not returned yet and it was late. Well, not that late, it's just that when school is over than Unicorn usually returns home. Unless she's hanging out with her friends but... we know currently all her friends are in the infirmary so it is possible she could've went over there to see them and make them feel better. But this was not, as Illustrious had phoned Vestal and asked if Unicorn was there since she was very concerned at how late it's getting. When Vestal told her that she hadn't seen her all day... well...

That's when a full blown woman's hysteria unfolded.

Unicorn began to doubt herself, wondering if she should just turn back. Feeling the uneasy waters and started to get weary.

" oh who am I kidding?!" Unicorn shouted, stomping her foot on the waters surface. Thinking she doesn't belong here. She was about to turn around, but that's when Musashi came out of the fog and grabbed onto Unicorns arm. Causing her to scream.

Musashi: " my what do we have here?" Lifting up Unicorn to be at her eye level to take a good look at her.

Unicorn: " please I-!" Before she could get another word out she was silenced by Musashi placing her pointer finger on her lips to shush her.

Musashi: " I know why you've come. After all, I am part nine tails... and.. I'll help you" putting down Unicorn.

Unicorn: " y-you will?" Seeing Musashi smile and her canines on show. " of course I will" Musashi said, always having an agenda on her mind.

Musashi: " but first~ you must do something for me..." making Unicorn say " what is it?" Hearing Musashi whisper into her ear what she wanted.

" that's it?" Unicorn said, seeing Musashi smile and say " do that for me and I promise you, they will never bother or hurt you ever again"

Unicorn: " but why do you need their DNA?" Confused.

Musashi smirked and said " I want to build a Navy. Like none other have ever seen before. They will be the new... Meta ships."

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