Mikasa's Birthday Surprise!

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This chapter was made because someone had commented that Mikasa should be celebrated. So, I will do just that.

Ok, I'm gonna give you two versions of what could've happened in this chapter you can pick. It really doesn't affect the story much which one you choose or if you want both to happen.

--- first version---

Wichita: " are you sure the old geezer won't die of a heart attack?" Talking to Princeton who gave her a mean look and say " I'm pretty sure she can handle a little surprise like how she handles ambushes"

All the teachers were gonna do a special birthday surprise for Mikasa. Planning this for over a month after they found out that Mikasa doesn't celebrate her birthday/do anything.

" OH MY GOD WAIT! WE GOTTA HAVE ISE HERE!" Marco Polo said, knowing that they're Mikasa's long time pal. Surely she's the ship Mikasa wants to see the most here.

" that's not possible. Ise is currently on a 3 month Sortie and won't be back any time soon." Hipper said, hearing Amazon say " oh no! That just won't do! Why don't we send out Zuikaku and Takao to help escort Ise back? I'm sure they can quickly escort her back in time."

Hearing London say " sounds like a solid plan, however take into consideration her team and her mission out there. We shouldn't do it." Knowing that pulling Ise out could drastically affect the outcome of the 3 month Sortie.

" not to mention both of them are horrible at keeping secrets" Langley said, thinking the surprise would be over before it even started.

Little did the teachers know, Takao and Zuikaku just happened to over hear the conversation.

" we gotta escort Ise back" Zuikaku said, thinking she can't miss Mikasa's birthday. Knowing that every year they always are together on her birthday. Usually drinking some sake together.

" I'm not sure if we should-" Takao was cut off by Zuikaku saying " I know the consequences but I heard from Shouhou that they've finished their sortie and are stuck coming back. Please?" Giving her those eyes.

" o-ok..." Takao said, too easily swayed by Zuikaku.


Another group of ships (you know our 4 main protagonists) were planning to throw a surprise party for Mikasa too.

Ayanami: " ok guys, so when Mikasa comes through that door we all jump at her and yell surprise! Than we release the confetti and blow these kazoo's" telling her friends the plan.

" are you sure this is a good idea?" Z23 asked, thinking Mikasa doesn't seem like the kind of ship who likes this kind of stuff.

" of course! Who doesn't like a good shock now and than?" Javelin said, cheerfully. As they turned off the light.

" me!" Z23 said, thinking if it were her, she'd hate it.

" shhh she's coming" Laffey said, hearing footsteps approaching.

When the lights turned on.

" surprise!" Everyone cheered. Releasing confetti and balloons galore. As well as blowing as hard as they could into the kazoo's.

" oh uh.." Mikasa said, not sure what to say or how to react. She had take out her sword from the sudden surprise but sheathed it away asking " what's all this?" Not understanding the concept.

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