Stop It

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" I won't hear another word of it! Get out!" Illustrious spoke, covering her ears. Refusing to believe what they're telling her.

" Illustrious-" before Wales could say anything more she was cut off by her saying " I want these sharks out of here! I won't have them defecting Unicorns good image." In complete denial of what they told her.

" but it's true" U-101 said, as U-73 said " ja, we saw it with our own eyes" as they just happen to be doing a recon mission and passed by. But it was too late for them to do anything. And if they could've done something they probably would've died in the process too...

" get out!" Illustrious demanded. As both of them gave her attitude of a teenager being angry. With that disrespectful face and " pff" attitude.

" thank you for informing us" Wales said, as both of them saluted Wales and left. As they had already informed Bismarck of what happened and currently Bismarck is having a discussion with the other faction leaders about this. As this is very big and important news.

Wales: " illustrious-" getting cut off once again.

" don't illustrious me. They don't even have any proof! They could be lying for all we know! They're bad kids!" Illustrious spoke, refusing to accept what she heard. Thinking of other reasons for this. Surly Unicorn wouldn't do this to them and that she's out there somewhere maybe injured and needs help.

" your right. They don't have proof. It's just hearsay." Wales said, putting her hands on illustrious' shoulders to calm her. But also telling her " but lying about this is a crime in IronBlood punishable of death and they filed an official report to Bismarck." 100 percent sure they wouldn't have said this if it weren't true.

Illustrious had to face the facts. She began to cry. She knew even though those kids were bad and probably picked on Unicorn the fear in their eyes said everything. She could tell when someone was telling the truth and they were. She just didn't want to believe it. She had hoped they were putting on an act, that this was just some sick joke but it wasn't. It was real. And she soon accepted this dark reality. Crying on Wales shoulder asking herself " how could I have let this happen?" And " what did I do wrong?" Wondering if it were all her fault. Had she coddled Unicorn too much? All she wanted was to protect her and now... she's lost her.

Wales tried to hush her. But she also felt deeply responsible. She started feeling deep sadness and regrets, wondering if she could go back in time she should've been there for her instead of skipping out and being with Eugen on the side. Maybe she should've been a better school teacher and catch the bullying going on instead of making up excuses to get out of the classroom with you know who... maybe all of these thoughts are just maybes and nothing would've changed the situation because a certain someone has a compelling influential force to make the story go this way *cough* *cough* a reader.

While at the leaders meeting... things weren't going so smoothly either...

Queen Elizabeth: " this is blasphemy! You can't honestly think that Unicorn is a traitor!" Refusing to believe what she's hearing. Stubbornly denying the facts of what Bismarck is trying to convey. Trying to inform the queen of the evidence they complied against Unicorn. Since Bismarck isn't gonna go into a leaders meeting unprepared without the evidence to back out the report. So she asked Peter and Tirpitz to compile evidence that collaborate with the report.

" look at the facts" Bismarck said, wanting the queen to read the reports. Which she did not. Instead she waved it off for Warspite to read it.

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