Friedrich's and Wichita's Final Adventure

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Friedrich decided to take Wichita shopping. And not for groceries. Going further inland of Germany. Where Wichita had never been before.

There they entered a thrift/antique shop that caught Wichita's eyes.

" OH MY GOD I CANT BELIEVE THEY HAVE THIS! FRIEDRICH PLEASE BUY IT FOR ME" Wichita begged. Seeing Friedrich sigh. They ended up buying an old board game.

Wichita always wondered what are they whispering? Like " hah your buying this from me?" - Wichita thought but it didn't make any sense why whisper that? If they're even saying that.

But what she really said/whispered to Friedrich was " you really should put a leash on that little puppy. Always barking up your leg. Don't you find her so annoying?" This got Friedrich to grab the collar of her shirt pulling her close but than let her go. Just like that.

Friedrich left with the board game and called for Wichita.

" just a minute!" Wichita called back.

" hey dude I'm really curious what did you say to her?" Wichita asked, seeing that german ship say " wouldn't you like to know" making Wichita get triggered. Oh it is on now- Wichita thought. Not caring that this ship is bigger or stronger than her. She fought her. She ended up loosing of course.

" arghhhh ooooffff... ohhhhhhhhhhhhhooOoooOOOOOhhhHhhHHahhh...." Wichita said, beaten up.

" you shouldn't have challenged her. Mercedes won't be happy." Friedrich said, having to break up the fight. But when she did she inadvertently 'challenged her' in the other ships eyes.

Leading to the result of Friedrich ultimately winning. I mean it was really no contest. Since Friedrich is very strong. And if she wants to put you down. She's gonna put you down. It made Wichita think, if she was so strong and stuff why is she letting these ships talk down to her? She also thought that Friedrich had some high status in IronBlood too. Did it get taken away when she got married?- Wichita thought, unsure.

Friedrich: " why did you challenge her?" Sounding very upset.

Wichita: " well she was talking shit about you wasn't she?" Not understand why Friedrich was so upset. She should be happy, Wichita sure was happy seeing her beat her ass. But that wasn't Friedrich intention/want to do so. Which was incited by Wichita. " that shouldn't be any of your concern." Friedrich spoke, now understanding where Wichita was coming from. Having good intentions however, not showing the correct actions for it.

" why not? She was talking shit about you. You can't just let it slide." Wichita said, thinking they can't let them talk to her like that. Thinking she needs to stand up or else they'll keep picking on her. She needs to show them that they can't mess with her. Knowing for a fact too that Friedrich is better than them.

" you don't understand." Friedrich spoke, narrowing her eyes at Wichita. Very upset.

" why are you mad bro? Did you see her get fucked up?! Aww yeah I wish I could've done that." Wichita said, thinking hell yeahhhhhh. She deserved it. Cheering Friedrich on.

Friedrich: " you need to understand that in our society it's essential to all get along and work together. I dislike Admiral Hipper very much, however I need to tolerate her presence. The reason? She's the only capable mechanic in our faction. That she has my respect there. And unlike all other factions we don't have ships to spare."

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