Are We Getting Closer?

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Javelin: " it's not a date." Talking to Unicorn.

Unicorn gave her that look.

Javelin: " eeeeeee!!! Who am I kidding! Of course it's a date!" Super exciting to meet Laffey at an amusement park. Hmm I don't wanna say 6 flags so... this is gonna be 69 flags ;) jk it's not. The park is just gonna be called 1 flags. (Yes I put an s there).

" your going to be late.." Unicorn said, seeing Javelin take her time putting on make up, do her hair, and struggle to decide on which clothing to wear.

Javelin: " fashionably late." Brushing it off. Thinking what's most important is looking your best.

While Laffey was outside the amusement park waiting.

Tapping her foot, looking at her wrist which she had a cute looking bunny watch. Seeing how much time has passed. Javelin was late. And not just 5 or 10 mins late. No. Not even 20 mins late. Hell not even 30 mins late. She was over an hour late.

Laffey was visibly pissed off and annoyed.

Wichita though was there trying to hide in plain sight. Just to give Laffey some advice. As Laffey had asked for Wichitas help.

Wichita kinda dozed off after waiting for than 20 mins for Javelin to appear.

Laffey: " AHEM!" Pretending to clear her throat but in actuality trying to wake up Wichita.

" huh? Oh!" Wichita said, seeing that Javelin had finally arrived. Luckily javelin didn't notice Wichita. She was more focused on hugging Laffey and getting the day started. Even though... she kinda wasted most of it just waiting for her...

Not even apologizing for her lateness. Just asking her " did you wait long?" Getting back a response from Laffey of " mm hmm" sounding very pissed off and annoyed. Not gonna lie to make Javelin's behavior acceptable.

" try holding her hand" Wichita whispered as she passed by Laffey and Javelin wearing the most obvious outfit anyone can imagine a beige trench coat with the matching detective like hat and big sun glasses.

Laffey reached for Javelin's hand but always seeming to miss her chance of ever grasping it. Javelin liked to walk ahead of Laffey and was always wanting to do things. Never slowing down.

They went on a lot of rides. I mean a lot. Like all of them.

Wichita thought this would be a great opportunity for Laffey to get closer with Javelin. So suggested that she sit next to her at all times so Javelin can hug her for comfort when she's scared. But...

Everyone and everything got in there way. Literally.

Laffey couldn't catch a break. Someone else always sat next to Javelin. Because javelin would never wait for Laffey to catch up walking up the stairs to get onto the rides. Or the seat next to her had a problem being broken or loose or just not available.

" psst! Try sharing a drink with her!" Wichita whispered. Seeing them stop at a food stand to get something to eat/drink.

Laffey came back with an order of nachos with all the toppings n stuff. As well as one cold vanilla milkshake drink for both of them to share.

Seeing Laffey take the drink and drink it all. Laffey didn't even have a chance to sit down...

Javelin: " oh I am absolutely parched going on all those amusement park rides! Oh um did you want some? Sorry!" Seeing Laffey give her a mean look.

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