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This was a requested chapter, it's going to focus on Eugen and Wales.

--- let's start off everything as new and unrelated to my previous chapters/the story shall we?---

Wales was a teacher at the most prestigious school for the brilliant. Located in London, England.

She was a very well known teacher there, and everybody loved her. Despite her reputation of slyly hitting on the other teachers and staff. Known as the biggest womanizer or player at this school.

Recently she heard that their hiring a new teacher here. Apparently she's from Germany. Ooo and you know German women tend to be pretty.

Eugen arrived early to her assigned classroom. She was getting settled in her new classroom when all of the Wales entered. Just needing to introduce herself.

-- ^ it cuts off here because someone else messaged me and gave me their idea of what they wanted to see right after they saw the requested person who wanted this chapter with these characters in it. Which I don't mind changing the writing of where it's going, since I like taking other's ideas or thoughts of what they want to see.

Lol but don't worry! it's still gonna be a Eugen and Wales chapter for that requested 1 person!

So not continuing above, below is still the requested + 2/the other person (I can do both in one! But I hope that it doesn't trigger the other xd if they're not happy with what's being altered xd!)

Ok, so apparently the person wants to see them both be in an airplane crash and be stranded on an island and their not ships/don't have ship powers so their just regulars humans like us. That's basically what they wrote/what I got from them. So, based off this!

Wales was a business woman, who unfortunately because of her gender never got promoted and had been passed up way to many times by the people (men) she trained who were just newbies/interns but quickly surpassed her in only a matter of months.

However, the company saw Wales as a valuable asset and kept her in the close company's inner circle. Where she's in important meetings and discussions about the company's executive decisions basically. But did not get the same pay as her opposing counterparts.

Wales always contemplated leaving, but she never actually did it. The reason? well... it's just in the eyes of society if you 'leave' it just seems like you were fired from your job. In addition, anyone would think when she worked for (made up company name) you'd be crazy to leave it because their so well known and the pay is okay to great.

But the main reason was because she had put in so much of her life here, how could she just give it all up? she practically built the company and the other older and younger executives know it too.

The reason why Wales was on this flight was because she was coming back home from a successful negation at a merging trust fund. Just finished closing out the deal. Her company would make millions off of it. Her boss told her that she should take a well deserve break/vacation, which Wales at first turned down but her boss insisted seeing her just work everyday. Like thinking do you have a family?/life?- was her bosses mindset. But he didn't do any of the hard work Wales does, he just owns the company so basically does nothing but rely on the people who work as his C.E.O.'s and stuff.

So, with that Wales contemplated about it and decided to take 2-3 months off work. All paid of course. Having already gotten it approved. So, she was just headed back to relax. Unfortunately for her, plans change.

Eugen was on that plane too. However it was for other reasons. She was an exotic dancer ;) lol and she had just come back from work. Being one of those girls that make the big bucks, one of the favorites! Anyway she always got flown from place to place.

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