You're Really Bad For Me And Yet...

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" why are you still with her? She treats you like shit" Lexington spoke, dining at ISlob alone. Just outside the restaurant for a cigarette break. Talking to Brooklyn who was on her break. Smoking a cigarette too.

" she didn't mean it" Brooklyn said, touching her cheek. Where she had gotten a harsh slap across the face for messing up a soup order that she and Maryland was working on. Where, Brooklyn had accidentally spilled broth that was not meant to go into this soup into this soup and ruined it. Getting a harsh slap across the face for this accident as well as a big and loud scolding inside the kitchen that could be heard outside of the kitchen.

A lot of pots and pans were being swiped off the counters in a fit of rage from Maryland. Since the soup they were both working on took 3 days straight of boiling to make the flavor really come out. And now they have to do it over again, and now they can't serve the soup of the day today.

" oh sure" Lexington said, rolling her eyes. Thinking she doesn't see domestic violence if it hits her in her face. Thinking that most ships these day and age are so clingy. Relating her feelings of this opinion to her sister ship Saratoga who is so clingy to Z1 who treats her like shit.

" she's not what you think, she isn't bad" Brooklyn said, than inhaled a deep one. Breathing out as deep long exhale of a sigh. Their relationship goes beyond business. Perhaps Brooklyn should've known better seeing how Maryland acts towards her in the kitchen when they work together to know that it's similar to when they are outside of work.

" sure, like how these cigarettes aren't bad for our health" Lexington said, comparing the two.

" sorry I do not get it. These sticks are really bad for us da?" Poltava said, butting in. Also smoking a cigarette next to them. Not understanding these Americans at all/the way they talk.

Lexington sighed and said " no offense but this is a private conversation."

" I don't get it" Poltava said, confused. Thinking than why is she publicly saying it out loud? Does she not know others can hear her? She's not exactly whispering?- Poltava thought.

" look this has nothing to do with you, but I'm trying to do a comparison for Brooklyn, (turning back to face Brooklyn) she's (referring to Maryland) killing you slowly like these 'sticks! as you call it" Lexington said, redirecting it back to what she wanted to empathize to Brooklyn. Hearing Poltava say " ohhh yeaaahh I get it now." Understanding what Lexington is trying to say.

Lexington: " you know you have more power than you think." Referring to how they (Brooklyn and Maryland) both own the restaurant so the power should be 50/50 even in addition, Maryland has told Brooklyn and other customers that she can't cook without her. So basically Brooklyn can threaten Maryland about leaving and stuff like that but she doesn't. As Brooklyn just doesn't have the attitude or personality to do so.

Brooklyn: " I told you she didn't mean it! Anyway I'm getting back to work." Ending the conversation there. Refusing to see the wrongs or acknowledge that she's being abused because she does not want to accept that.

" you know Maryland's racist right?" Lexington said, as Brooklyn ignored her. Going back inside the restaurant. Making Poltava say " she is?" Baffled.

" yeah, she treats all the ships of color like second class. It's downright wrong." Lexington said, taking a long drag on her cigar very upset.

" than why is she with Brooklyn if she uh.. feels that way?" Poltava questioned. Not understanding that logic.

" I dunno. Maybe it's to keep her on a tighter leash." Lexington said, thinking that's one good reason why.

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