Tournament of Ships part 1

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This chapter is made especially for THAT_SADISTIC_MUFFIN

So... an incident happened between some of the popular girls in the school and our main characters. (If you don't remember who the main characters are they were Javelin, Laffey, Ayanami, and Z23 + Unicorn too).

Javelin with her quick speed, cut right in front of Vanguard. Well it wasn't really cutting. Since it's more like lining up on the lunch line and there are always some people who are faster than you who get in line first.

At first Vanguard tried to calm herself. But as the line moved on to the taking of food items...

She saw Javelin took the last biscuit. And Vanguard was hysterical.

" excuse me but that's my biscuit" Vanguard said, extending her hand out towards Javelin to have it back.

Javelin looked at Vanguard and said " no it's not." As Unicorn added " she got it first." This was in front of the whole cafeteria of students. Vanguard had never felt more embarrassed in her life. Hearing students laugh at her attempt to get a biscuit.

Vanguard: " how dare she take my last biscuit!" complaining to her girlfriend South Dakota who honestly couldn't understand why Vanguard was so triggered by this.

" but babe it was still on the tray it's not your biscuit yet" South said, as she got a big loud shout of " it was mine!" In her face. " or as good as mine. Why aren't you on my side?" Vanguard said, seeing South say " it's just a biscuit. I'll get you another one." As Vanguard blasted her back with " weren't you even listening you incompetent dolt!" Thinking that South doesn't understand how she felt when Javelin took that biscuit and that there's more to it not just that she doesn't have the biscuit. In addition to Unicorn assisting Javelin in that transaction.

South shook her head and said " you know what. I'm done."

Making Vanguard say " wait! What are you saying?! Are you- your breaking up with me?!" Hearing South say " yeah, I am." Then left. Vanguard misplaced her conceptions and blamed it on Javelin. That Javelin and Unicorns the one who made her loose her girlfriend and so... when Jintsuu asked if Vanguard wanted to get revenge she said yes.

How did this conversation even take place with Jintsuu? Well...

Vanguard was in the girls bathroom crying and her make up went everywhere.

" bad break up?" Jintsuu asked, seeing Vanguard try to hide her crying. All the while still trying to fix her make up and put on a new set.

Jintsuu: " here let me help with that" helping Vanguard fix her massacre. Which was ruined by all this crying.

" like the whole school doesn't know" Vanguard said, knowing she's a wreck.

" and it's all Javelins and Unicorns fault!" Vanguard said, angrily.

Jintsuu: " oh?" Inquiring more.

Vanguard went on to say " well you aren't British, but if you were you'd know when someone rudely does something to you and it makes you feel oh just like rubbish! And if I get a chance I'll make sure to ruin their life as they did mine." This made Jintsuu smirk and say " I know just the way" knowing that Javelin is a blabber mouth and that she's voicing to her friends Laffey, Ayanami, Z23, and Unicorn to come join her in the Tournament of Ships. Because they really want experience working with the older ships and that extra credit which can save their grades from Amazon's class.

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