Chains That Bind Us

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" this did not happen" Cheshire said, seeing Sims smirk and say " me-owwww" not minding.

Both of them were handcuffed together with that fuzzy cuffs ;) how did this happen you might ask well...

Aoba: " where did those cuffs go?" Looking through her box of things after her presentation was over.

Sneakily Sims took it out. Liking the fuzziness of it.

Sims always loved to visit Cheshire in the Royal Navy kitchen. Hoping through a open window to see her.

Sims waiting for Cheshire to appear, was playing around with those cuffs and... well... got locked in one of them...

When Cheshire arrived, she saw Sims ask her for help and tried to get it off her but.. unfortunately locked herself in the other one.

" we need to get this off immediately!" Cheshire said, thinking this is the worst thing to ever happen to her as she's got to get ready to bring out the dishes for the Queens birthday party. And you know Queen Elizabeth is gonna say " off with your head" if you keep her waiting.

" relaxxxx let's just go to Hipper I think she can get if off me-ow" Sims said, not worried.

" I can't just up and leave the building!" Cheshire said, knowing they're running out of time before the queen requests her desserts.

" than make and serve her the desserts and lets go" Sims said, thinking that all Cheshire needs to do is make the requested dessert.

" I can't do that! Not with you chained to me!" Cheshire said, yanking Sims forward.

Sims hissed and said " don't pull to hard! That hurts!"

Sheffield: " is everything alright in here?" Seeing Cheshire say " yep! All good and merry!" Hiding Sims behind her back. Luckily Sims was much smaller than Cheshire, and Cheshire wore her maid uniform that was very puffy so it could easily hide someone of her stature behind her.

Sheffield: " hm.. mm... well than do carry on. The Queen requested 2 sticky toffee puddings, one Eton Mess, and a Victoria Sponge."

Cheshire: " yes, of course! Right away!" Seeing Sheffield leave but say " and do keep the mess to a minimum."

" bloody hell!!!!" Cheshire said, feeling like she's gonna explode of anger. Thinking those dishes are going to be nearly impossible to make with just one hand.

" don't worry! I'll be your helping hand! Just tell me whatdda do" Sims said, thinking it shouldn't be too hard.

" here I got the-" Sims cut herself off after she knocked out Cheshire with the frying pan.

" um...Cheshire?" Sims said, trying to shake awake Cheshire.

Cheshire: " ugh.. what happened?" Coming to. (Not sexually ;) I know what your thinking)

" no worries. I made the dishes." Sims said, seeing Cheshire eyes widen and say " YOU WHATTT???!!!!" Screaming so loud pretty sure everyone in the entire Royal Navy could hear.

" don't worry I think she loved em" Sims said.

Now you get to see the scene of what really happened...

" what the bloody hell is this?" Queen Elizabeth said, seeing what was served to her.

Sheffield stayed quiet.

" is this a bloody fucking sponge with just random toppings?" Queen Elizabeth said, poking it.

Queen Elizabeth: " I want to see Cheshire this instant! Does she think this is a joke?!" Hearing Sheffield say " unfortunately she has left the building."

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