Why Your Votes Matter

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" what's voting?" Mutsuki questioned. Never hearing that word before.

" I think only Americans do that" Vampire said, thinking about it. Knowing her faction doesn't do that but heard of it before yet doesn't understand why.

" the British do too, don't you guys have a prime minister?" Bristol asked, hearing Unicorn reply back " no, only Queen Elizabeth"

" anyway, voting is determined by how many votes a person gets" Baltimore explained, hearing Jintsuu say " like class president? Or prom queen?" Making Baltimore say " exactly"

" but leadership should be determined by who's strongest" Magdeburg said, thinking that's how it should be.

Baltimore moved on to say " there are different parties-" getting cut off by San Diego saying " partyyyyyy!!!!"

" no, not that kind of party. Republicans, democrats, liberals, independents, etc." Baltimore explained.

" what party are you?" Unicorn asked curiously.

Baltimore: " democratic"

" why are you a democrat?" Unicorn asked, curiously.

" because I believing in their values. I think we should do the most to help each other, to provide support, and the government and leaders should have a say in our life because they're only doing what's best for us"

" I bet Wichita is totally republican" Northampton said, hearing Baltimore say " yeah she is" knowing that for a fact.

Wichita: " someone call my name?" Popping in Baltimores classroom.

" Wichita are you republican?" Javelin asked, hearing Wichita answer " 100%%%"

" why do you like being republican?" Mutsuki asked, curious.

Wichita: " that's easy, cuz I like keeping American white again- uh I mean because I like freedom, I like no one telling me what to do, and I don't think we should be helping ships who aren't American- uh! I mean I dunno!"

Clearly some of the darker skinned ship girls were looking at Wichita like..

And the other ships from other factions were like..

" ok! Well thanks for your insight!" Baltimore said, pushing Wichita out of her classroom before her gym class turns into a political debate class.

Afterwards everyone was given a ballot to vote.

" but why are non-American ships getting voting privileges when it comes to our election?" Huston asked, confused. Thinking why should the other factions get a say about who on their side should be elected.

" don't be racist like Wichita" Ayanami said, hearing Jenkins say " saids someone who isn't American"

The whole school was in a riot.

" maybe we should've left the election to the grown ups... and maybe.. to our faction only.." Enterprise said, at first she thought it was a good idea to teach other factions/let all of them vote but now...

" you think?" Washington said, sighing. Knowing this would've happened.

" class! Order! Order!" Langley shouted, trying to get the citation under control.


" isn't that election fraud?" Mutsuki asked, questioning Wichitas intentions. Seeing her pick into the election box. After learning from Langley some history and things related to this.

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