A Second Chance?

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Heh, warning I wrote a ton below to explain a comment below for the story. Sorry. If you wanna skip it, that's fine since it's just a recap. For the start of the story find ----

KamalHabbal when asked for a chapter for what happened to Graf Zeppelin after she got imprisoned for her evil deeds I've thought back and tried to find the chapter of where it continued but I couldn't find it and I don't remember writing it. I think you got confused with Odin who did that bad act of almost killing Bismarck but I think I wrote somewhere that she (Bismarck) was saved and than retrofitted (matching up with the Azur Lane game) and Bismarck ended up having one last battle but Odin lost that time and died by Bismarck's hands, but during that time Odin had imprisoned Ulrich because she (Odin) always had felt that mama Friedrich did not discipline her well enough and what made her capture her was that she found her sneaking around (because she was actually looking to find Glowworm knowing that she's missing and knowing that mama Friedrich knows something but won't tell her) so looks through the IronBlood facilities (after she had tricked Heinrich into it, but Heinrich helped Odin capture Ulrich after Odin had told her what at the time was Ulrich breaking and entering a facility she is not meant to be in) which happened to hold Glowworm captive (since at the time Glowworm admitted to getting Admiral Hipper killed but no one knows her whereabouts because she's currently being held by IronBloods side to be processed). To which Heinrich did not even know Glowworm was being held prisoned here either and only Peter knew but did not tell Heinrich. Since Bismarck wanted to keep it secret secret until she could get things straightened out. But Odin disobeyed Bismarck and decided to dish out the punishment herself on Glowworm for what she had done to Hipper (which was inadvertently got her killed).

Odin also took captive Glowworm back to Germany with Ulrich, and later Hood. Graf Zeppelin was with Odin and helped her with what she requested because she felt like Bismarck no longer cared/put first for their faction anymore. However Graf Zeppelin ended up betraying Odin, after she had realized that Odin had betrayed her when she ended up " doing things" to Hood. So, set Glowworm free for her to get help.

But I'll admit my storyline/plot lol isn't following a timeline or consistent really for what I wrote. But I will write on what you said, so continuing after Graf Zeppelin got imprisoned following the story line of Odin being gone by Bismarck's hands and Bismarck retrofitting into Bismarck Zwei.


It had been 20 years since Bismarck had ended the life of her once she thought to be best friend, one of the closest advisors she had other than Tirpitz and Friedrich, and general she had trusted to run Germany when she was away/stationed in Azur Lane. Odin.

Afterwards (of Odin's death) she became reclusive. She hardly talked unless it was necessary and not even then.

U-556 always visited Bismarck (I'm not gonna mention Zwei every time since it's more typing but that's who she is now when I mention Bismarck in this chapter). And continued to do so, she always tried her best to cheer her up to make her smile but... she could see it in Bismarck's eyes and her face that she was a different ship now.

And she didn't liked to be bothered. Nor be around anyone anymore. The only ships able to get Bismarck to speak really is Friedrich, who isn't always there/around (as she's with Mercedes now). Bismarck would rather not even have conversations with Tirpitz anymore because she finds it just too personal. So, she had told her sister that she'd rather have her speak to Friedrich about whatever she'd want to speak to her about and have Friedrich inform her indirectly. To which Tirpitz found that inefficient, as well as invoking and erksome because that's her own sister right there and felt very hurt and angry that she won't even speak to her directly anymore and have to do it using a two way kind of communication system way now. In addition, Friedrich wasn't always there since she was with Mercedes now so her time is divided. (If you have no idea who Mercedes is than you'd have to go back and read Wichita's and Friedrich's adventure chapters).

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