Oh Yes Give Me This Chapter

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^ This song is so good with what's relating to the story.

The restaurant was beyond crowded. No table was left. But Cleveland promised her sisters that they'd eat here and celebrate a recent victory.

" why don't we just ask to sit with somebody?" Columbia asked, seeing some big tables/spots available and only 2 are sitting there.

" no way! that's super embarrassing!" Denver said, thinking she should just come back another time.

" what's so embarrassing about it? look at that table size I mean does the Royal Navy girls really need that much space?" Montpelier commented, looking over at the really high ranking/status/rich Royal Navy ships. Who have the biggest table.

 Cleveland: " well there's no harm in asking, hey excuse me but uh do you mind if we sit here?" interrupting Howe and Roon's dinner.

Roon: " do you want to di-" getting cut off by Howe saying " of course! please! sit!" very welcoming. Thinking the table is big enough for more than 2. Adding 4 more people here.

" thanks! we really appreciate it!" Cleveland said, as all her sisters said thanks too.

Roon didn't look too happy about it though.

" so how did you two meet?" Columbia just had to ask. So curious.

" Columbia!" Denver said, thinking her sis has no manners.

Howe: " oh I'm so glad you asked!" as the British cannot stop talking about themselves and now they got Howe going. As Columbia saw all her sisters give her a mean look knowing this feast/celebration is gonna be ruined by extreme amount of jabber that'll make their ears fall off until the bill arrives.

" it was a beautiful sunny day, the sky was azure blue more like cerulean blue perhaps-" Howe was cut off by Montpelier saying " can you get to the point?" being straight up with her. Not wanting to listen to these shit details.

" well pardon me" Howe said, a bit offended.

" Roon why don't you tell them how we met" Howe said, thinking that since Roon is German they get straight to the point.

Roon: " ok. Eye contact." ending it there.

" and?" Montpelier said, waiting for her to say more. Not expecting it to end there.

Roon: " that's it." not sure what else they want from her.

" darling they want to know how we met" Howe explained, seeing Roon say " oh.."

Roon: " we met in the hospital."

Causing all the Cleveland sisters to immediately think 'mental hospital?'

Howe explained more to that vague statement adding" I was injured during one of my missions, and well I just wasn't feeling like myself" Howe said, looking down on her plate. Playing around with her food, by shoveling it to the side.

Montpelier: " really? what happened?"

Howe: " well I..." not finishing.

Roon: "was responsible for Elbing's death" bluntly stating it.

" oh I'm so sorry" Montpelier said, as the table went silent.

Roon: " Don't be. Howe tried her best, but you can't save every weak ship from sinking." making Howe exclaim " how can you say that?!" lashing out. Loosing her temper upset that Roon was talking bad/down about a sunken/fallen ship.

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