This Fleeting Feeling

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Just as Eugen predicted Hipper became even worser.

Harsher than she's ever been. Just filled with anger. Sadness too of course, but she didn't show it. No. She almost always just showed an onslaught of aggression, mean and nastiness.

Z1 felt too overwhelmed by it all, not only did she lose the only person who shielded her from harm/Hipper but someone who cared for her unconditionally that showed her love and affection. Choosing to just stay away from the house and not even show to school. Somewhere on the island. Maybe hiding out in Wichita's place.

Z23 was taking it the hardest. She lost her maternal/motherly figure. Although she had Hipper who acted like her second motherly figure when she and Z1 were growing up together with Eugen Hipper didn't really get involved with Z23.

Blücher was thinking that she should look after Z23 after seeing how Hipper was acting. Her other sisters, Mainz, Tallinn, Lützow, and Seydlitz all told her to stay out of it. That she should let Hipper be and let Z23 stay with her. Some of them didn't want the responsibility of raising a child like Mainz and lützow. While her other sisters Tallinn and Seydlitz didn't mind raising Z23 but they both knew to stay out of it because Hipper.. well is Hipper. And they also thought she was still the best ship to raise Z23 since she had a lot of experience raising children. But... not using the best parenting method... of violence... and self-confidence/self-esteem destroying put down of words... yeah...

Traumatizing all of them in someway...

Still Blücher thought it was best for her to raise Z23. So, went over to Hippers place and talked about it.

But... Blücher soon found bringing this discuss up with Hipper would take a lot of courage... and most likely a physical fight to the death too...

Hipper: " what?" Seeing Blücher at the front of the door.

Blücher: " hiya sis, um.. I wanted to talk to you about something.." seeing Hipper give her a mean look but let her in.

Hipper: " well? What is it?" Impatiently waiting.

Blücher: " its about Z23.." making Hipper say " huhhh? What about her?"

Blücher: " I think... I should look after her" after she said those words Hipper went ballistic. Straight up yelling and screaming that she's gonna look after Z23 and that no one is gonna take her away from her. Even violently and forcefully pushing Blücher giving off the intensity of pushing her into a fight.

Blücher didn't want to fight Hipper. After all she was her eldest sister, who raised and took care of her in her own.. way.., she also knew that Hippers maternal instincts are just kidding in because she did technically raise Z23 along side Eugen so she is in a sense her mom, well second mom. And knew that Hipper only had the best intentions for Z23 in addition to maybe her selfish desires of keeping her to herself because she's unable to accept another loss that's close to her about someone she cares about and whom belonged to Eugen. Who was always her favorite sister above them all.

Blücher tried to explain that she she thought that maybe raising two children would be too much for her to bare. Considering Z23's overall well being, thinking that Hipper always had high expectations and always expected excellence and nothing less and given Z23's attitude and personality she'd probably kill herself trying to achieve that for Hipper. Knowing that Z23 will make Hipper very happy in her accomplishments but Hipper will never say that it was ever enough. Already knowing that Z23 would never be satisfied as well if she never got Hipper's acknowledgement.

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