I'm Not Feeling The Love Tonight

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Wichita: " damn I didn't get lucky that night..." hitting on multiple ship girls but getting rejected every time. Cue the "I tried so hard and got so far but in the end it doesn't matter" song.

Enterprise: " but aren't you with Princeton?" confused.

Wichita: " she's kinda upset at me for saying some things... so I guess we're taking a break?" unsure herself.

Enterprise sighed and said " well.." not really knowing how to comfort her fellow American.

Wichita: " I guess I gotta waste some of my money buying her flowers or whatever to get her back" thinking women are too much. Even though she is one.

" how about apologizing instead?" Enterprise said, hearing Wichita say " that's literally all I say when I'm with her"

Wichita: " well at least we have make up sex so-" getting cut off by Belfast entering the room saying " miss Enterprise the team's ready to deploy"

Enterprise: " great! I'm coming!" leaving right away. Wichita sighed and looked at Shangri-La who shook her head and said " if you're looking for counseling I'm off duty" making Wichita ask " when are you ever on duty? are you like ever gonna come back?" thinking that the school's counselor has been on vacation for 6 months now.

" hey you take your sick days, I take mine." Shangri-La replied.

Wichita scoffed and said " I'm sure you don't have that many sick days, and Princeton wonders how we're loosing money" referring to the school and the budget cuts they're making.

Although Wichita was struggling to find a job, she found that her idea of selling who's single on a piece of paper and updating it every week or so was actually racking in the dough. Who knew so many ships were interesting in finding another single ship or knowing who's still single and/or taken.


Howe: " say ahhh~" wanting to feed Roon some ice cream. They were in Ise's icecream shop.

Roon opened her mouth but Shrimpy intervened and ate that scoop as well as half the spoon.

" Shrimpy! that was for Roon!" Howe said, scolding Shrimpy. Seeing him give her that mean look.

Roon giggle and said " don't fight you two" finding it just so amusing that this is what it's like to be with another ship so different than yourself. But at the same time... Roon was struggling to keep her anger in check. She had great hearing and could overhear all the ships in the icecream shop talking shit about them.

Meanwhile other ships sitting at the other tables but looking on to that scene...

" ugh just seeing that makes me feel sick." Kongou said, thinking that's just so weird to see. An IronBlood ship actually do something like that... like that's never seen before.

" I can't believe Howe's with a girl like that" Haruna said, thinking that she should pick someone else. Not a certified psychopath.

" I know right, she's just pretending to be like that but we know what she's really like" Hiyou said, as all her friends agreed.

Roon tried her best to ignore what the other girls were saying, and wanted to feed Howe some ice cream, scooping her a spoonful. " say ahhh~" Roon said, but that's when she lost her concentration (after a voice in her head said something) making her accidentally drop that ice cream onto Howe's (O-O).

Roon: " oh! I'm so sorry!" grabbing a napkin. But before she could use it, Shrimpy fucking devour that ice cream off Howe's top. Like imagine someone licking/eating something off your chest like a beast.

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