A Tomboy Among Ladies

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All Clevelands sisters wanted to take her out shopping, and not for groceries. The one thing she hates doing. Shopping for new clothes, and not just any kind of clothes. Dresses. First of all, she didn't understand what was the problem with the clothes they had now. They were still good, and she had just done the laundry too. So, why are they buying more clothes?- Cleveland thought. Looking at the price tags which are all very expensive.

All her sisters wanted to buy a nice dress for the upcoming Galla. Apparently the Royal Navy wants to celebrate their recent high leveled victory working with every faction member during that mission. So, they're gonna splurge their massive amounts of wealth on it. Nobody's complaining of course. Queen Elizabeth is definitely gonna make sure everyone feels like a queen coming to that ball. The food will be top class. Entertainment also. But of course... the theme was uh... royalty... so uh... everyone's pretty much expected to wear a dress when you think of that theme right?

Although South Dakota, Minneapolis, and a few darker colored ships had the other idea of royal. Wearing massive amounts of bling, as Cleveland saw them exiting the shopping mall with their bodies covered in gold.

They were really loud, and boisterous. " yo! We gonna look so fly for the party!" South Dakota said, nudging Minneapolis who put on her gold sunglasses and said " word" ready to roll.

" wow they must be an African goddess or war chief or something" Denver said, causing Columbia to say " don't be racist" making Denver say " how am I being racist? I didn't say anything bad about them" confused.

" hey Cleveland what do you think about this one?" Montpelier said, pulling out a pretty pink dress.

Causing Cleveland to blush and say " u-uh I don't think pinks my color.."

Making Denver pull a blue one off the shield and say " how about lady blue?" Making Cleveland say " uh I don't think dresses are my thing. Can I just wear a tux and some dress pants?" making all her sister laugh and nudge their big sis saying " come on sis, stop being so much of a tomboy"

Cleveland: " I-I am not a tomboy!" Upset. Stomping her foot. Thinking she likes doing girly things like combing her sisters hair, maintaining her bonsai tree, doing laundry, cooking, cleaning.

" sis you for real don't even do any girly things" Denver said, thinking everything her sister does is just basic life stuff. Expect for her hobby of taking care of her bonsai tree, but can you even call that girly?

" and if you aren't a tomboy than just try it on!" Columbia said, shoving her into a dressing room with those two dresses. Cleveland loved her sisters but she really didn't wanna wear this, but she had to prove to her sisters that she wasn't a tomboy! Sure she liked a lot of guy things like sports, types of foods and drinks, even clothing and shows... but that doesn't make her a- Cleveland shook her head. She was gonna prove to them! Putting on the pink dress first.

But when she did that, she felt extremely uncomfortable. She felt like her chest was being squeezed out. Maybe this dress was too small?- Cleveland thought.

" woah sis you actually have upper deck if you show it" Denver said, thinking she needs to take a pic. Cleveland was covering her face in embarrassment. How her sisters managed to get her to try on a dress was beyond her. She was a knight not a princess!- Cleveland thought.

" your right, pink doesn't suit you" Montpelier said, telling her " go try on the blue one"

After spending 6-7 hours dress shopping. All of Clevelands sisters got a dress. Expect for Cleveland. Who had tried on a lot of dresses in the store. But took none home.

The Galla was tomorrow night. Her sisters urged her to go back to the store tomorrow. Cleveland eventually reluctantly agreed, and would do it only if they didn't come with her. Not able to withstand her sister's commentary on every dress she put on.

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