Tiger Eye's

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" Chang Chun why are you letting Hu Pen do that to you? You're a tiger too! Why don't you say anything?! Or fight back?!" Svirepy said, thinking Hu Pen doesn't know respect if it was shoved up her ass.

Knowing that when Hu Pen is around, it's like everyone better hide. She's like Z1 but in the pre-k to kindergarten classroom setting. Nothing but a bully. A bully who especially loves to pick on Chang Chun. Who (Hu Pen has a big crush on but feels the need to dominate her in any way possible to show her superiority).

" she's just playing, she didn't mean it" Chang Chun said, trying to brush it off. Having her tiger ears down in a shameful submissive manner. Knowing that Hu Pen likes to pick on her especially, but she thinks the reason why is because they're both tigers and so it is in their nature to be competitive and fight each other. But Chang Chun doesn't have this competitive fire within herself. Rather, she'd be like water and go with the flow. Not wishing to trample/burn anyone to get what she wants.

Even though, they are both very different tigers. Chang Chun is part white tiger, and Hu Pen is the regular color a tiger should be. And although they share many traits of what a tiger no matter the fur color represents Chang Chun is much more passive and friendly despite being part tiger. She also doesn't wish to fight or hurt anyone and would rather be on the side lines, despite what animal she represents and is.

" Chang Chun! You gotta do something! Hu Pen is hurting Spence!" Minazuki said, pulling on Chang Chun's arm. Wanting her to intervene.

" I-I can't do anything!" Chang Chun said, scared. Not wanting to fight or get Hu Pen upset. Hating how the whole class wants her to do something about it, just because she's part tiger but that doesn't mean she should automatically be the one to do something- Chang Chun thought.

" yes you can! Now go be a real tiger and fight her!" Yamakazi said, shoving her towards Hu Pen.

" no!" Chang Chun said, refusing to do it. Hating how everyone is pressuring her to confront a bully who she herself is scared of and doesn't want to be on her bad side. Wishing that everyone would just leave her alone.

" what's going on?" Wales spoke, once distracted with the Pretend Playing House area (which was going wayyyy too far in the domestic violence make believe stuff) but now able to roam around the classroom freely after Eugen said that she'll handle that situation.

" nothing!" Hu Pen said, as everyone became quiet. Not having the guts to rat her out because than the wrath will come back at em ten fold.

This upcoming "massive play date party" is the biggest thing/all the talk of the pre-k + kindergarteners. Everyone who's under (I don't know what ages but young) will be there. Lmao.

There will be snacks, such as peanut butter jellies, apple juice boxes, apple sauce, and regular small cartons of milk.

There will be playful colorful decorations and balloons, there will be fun play sets of all kinds + a bouncy castle and a ball pit, and there will be cotton candy machine with entertainment of clowns and such. Etc. etc.

Hu Pen really wanted Chang Chun to go with her, and wanting to do all the fun exciting things with her but... how could she just ask her out? Knowing that she'd just embarrass herself so... the next best thing is to force her to come.

Hu Pen: " so that's my plan" telling Shangri-La the counselor that she's gonna threaten Chang Chun to go with her to this fun event to have fun.

Shangri-La: " uh..." thinking this kid is fucked up in the head as much as the level of all the IronBlood ships.

Hu Pen: " thanks! I feel so much better talking about my feelings!" Leaving the counseling session.

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