Hatred before Resolve

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^ I've just finished playing Tales of Berseria so I know the lore behind that, ahhh sooo much emotions! However I don't know Tales of Zestiria or the other Tales Series but I do know that if you played Berseria you know how much meaning is behind that video. Especially with little trickles of the lore of that charm trinket she has with her too. Anyway I just thought it fit the mood of this story, but back to the story!


Musashi: "almost. We're so close..." seeing how many ships they've eliminated so far. And only a few remain. " finally... it can almost end.." Musashi muttered quietly, like a deep longing for not only the deaths of the final ships that remain but maybe... hers...-Unicorn thought, having a feeling for a while now after being by Musashi's side that she holds a deep sadness within her like she doesn't want to do this any of this but at the same times needs to.

Unicorn nodded as it was almost over. That everything is coming to an end. And that... she'd have to face one of the last ships she hoped that she... wouldn't have to see... but... she knew in the end she had to.

Musashi: " it hurts at first... loosing the one you love... the one who loved you back.. but... in the end surely we will all see each other again... I hope.." putting her hand on Unicorn's shoulder. Understanding her pain, and knowing what Unicorn is laminating about.

" master, we've found two of their bases." META Hiryuu spoke, seeing Musashi smile and say " I'll take the one to the west, you take the east." ready to depart.

" does it still hurt?" Unicorn asked, wondering if the pain ever goes away.

" always." Musashi answered. Not lying to her, and not telling her that it gets any better with time. If anything it gets worse over time. Depending on the person/ship. Maybe it does get better over time but... probably not in this kind of situation/setting...

Musashi: " but don't let it deter you. In the end, they're still proud of you no matter what you've done. Because... because they use to love you... and you use to love them... they'll always love you.. and you'll always love them..." her voice almost breaking.

Musashi shook her head and put on a smile again saying " ah, what am I going on about? let's put an end to this vicious cycle of pain. Once and for all."

Unicorn took a small team of META ships with her, META Renown, META Sheffield, META Hunter, META Repulse, and META Queen Elizabeth. Unicorn felt the most comfortable being around ships her faction. Or what use to be her faction...

Musashi and her went their separate ways, Muashi purposely gave the base where Souryuu had reported that Illustrious was at. Wanting to test her loyalty and if she was truly with her or not.

When they arrived to the base, they were met outside. Like a final stand. Unicorn saw in the corner of her eyes some of the ships escaping while these ships who stood in their way buy them time.

" let them go. We'll find them again.. we always do..." Unicorn said, seeing no point in chasing the other fleeing ships. Because as long as they keep eliminating whatever ship is left than they've got what they've come here to accomplish.

" Unicorn..." Illustrious said, so heartbroken to see her. She hadn't seen her since she ran away and joined Musashi. At first, she didn't believe the reports that Unicorn had turned traitor and refused to believe it. But after a while... she had to accept the truth. But still... she couldn't bare it. She blamed herself and wondered what she did wrong to cause this to happen.

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