Oh You...

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" it's just not fair" Foote said, seeing the Rainbow Frame ships go about their day without a care in the world. Not needing to worry about anybody hurting them or needing to have a kiss the boss kind of attitude.

" well I'm sure they have their own struggles" Spence said, thinking they just don't see it. Making Foote half heartedly laugh and say " problems? Them? Yeah right" thinking they don't know how good they have it.

" just look at Vanguard over there, do you think she has any problems? Physically or financially?" Foote said, seeing Vanguard surrounded by maids telling them what she wants them to do.

Spence: " well I'm sure in her past life as a regular ship she's earned that amount of earnings to be like this in this life" thinking about how it correlates to what a ship has done and earned in their past life. For example Hood. This can be said about the leaders of their factions, i.e. Enterprise (who almost single-handedly won the war) as well as Bismarck who represented Germany's forces at the time etc. etc.

" really? Than why is Ark Royal like that?" Foote said, thinking that logic isn't adding it. Thinking if Ark Royal sunk Bismarck why isn't she the same frame as her? Why is Ark Royal Purple Frame?

" she's Gold Frame now" Spence corrected, since Ark Royal retrofitted.

" yeah but original she was Purple Frame, but even though she's Gold Frame now, look at Bismarck she's Rainbow Frame now so... is Ark Royal gonna Retro again to catch up or..." Foote commented, as Spence said " well I hear talks about Meta Frame so..." making Foote say " that's not the point! The point is! We were important ships too! And look at our frames!" Making Spence say " well.." thinking if they had to compare the importance of their ships...

" ok! Than just take Pensacola for example! They did her dirty in her new born life! And that's just one ship for example! There are plenty of others!" Foote said, thinking Pensacola should've gotten Gold Frame or higher in her this life since her regular ship life she did a ton of things that earned her that right.

" I can't say I don't disagree... she really should've been good Frame or higher" Spence said, now thinking about it. Now wondering how Pensacola feels...

Foote: " don't even get me started on mama Friedrich. She's literally a RAINBOWFRAME SHIP and she'd rather be babysitting! Babysitting! I mean what kind of shit is that?! If I had her power I'd be wrecking it out at sea"

Spence: " well I mean what frame you are shouldn't determine what kind of things you want to do" thinking everyone can have a choice in what they want to do with their life.

" hah! Yeah right! Look at us! I'd rather be raking in the cash and gems on the higher risk missions but I can't! You know why?" Hearing Spence answer " because we're low frame ships" as Foote went on to say " not just low frame ships but no frame ships!" empathizing an even more drastic difference.

" but technically we can do those jobs, it's just that-" Spence was cut off by Foote saying " yeah I know! We'd die!" Knowing that there is no one really to stop them from taking those kind of jobs but... they aren't stupid.

" not to mention these fucking lazy ass higher frame ships are taking all our low risk jobs" Foote commented, thinking they should stick to their level of Frame jobs and not take their jobs.

" maybe they're scared like us" Spence added, thinking their jobs are pretty easy and always calm.

" hah! Scared?! Yeah right! If I was New Jersey would I be scared?" Foote complained, thinking why the fuck is New Jersey a Rainbow Frame ship taking on low risk missions when she's practically stronger than Enterprise their faction leader.

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