All You Give Me Is Depression

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" what the hell! I haven't seen one shot from the backline! Not one! How about some help here?!" San Juan said, yelling at the backline to do work.

" yeah! We're dying up here!" Salt Lake City shouted out loud, thinking they're doing absolutely nothing.

" can't you see we're a little busy?!" Hood shouted forward. Not sure why the Eagle Union ships find it in their best interest to always go ahead, to never wait for the backline to catch up. As well as fight so far ahead in the distance. When they really need some protection in the backline from the Sirens that kept circling around them and poking and prodding at them.

" ugh! This is impossible!" Nelson shouted, thinking that the front line are so far ahead that so many Sirens are getting through past them and is berating them to attack them instead. Focusing their main guns and salvo's onto the backline Sirens instead of the Sirens the frontline was handling.

" THERE IS NO WAY I CAN TURN MY GUNS FAST ENOUGH TO SHOOT THESE LITTLE BASTARDS!" Repulse said, seeing them (the Sirens) laugh and giggle taunting her.

" oh my god... we're not gonna do enough damage..." Benson said, thinking they should fall back. All of them too injured to keep going.

" yeah! Thanks to the backline! What the hell!" Salt Like City said, thinking that they can't take care of a few Sirens back there? They literally have 3 battleships that have guns to protect themselves. They're not aircraft carriers that got no defense.


" is that your ship?" Kii said, looking at Nathan's very sad sad old wood canoe.

" uh... yeah?" Nathan said, actually surprised that those guys gave him this. Thinking they'd give him a battleship but told him that recently an attack happened and it destroyed the ship they were gonna give him so...

" very sad..." Heinrich said, feeling bad for Nathan. Thinking he didn't get enough Siren tech... or any at all it seems...

" well I love it. It's very old school." Hood said, liking their ship.

" that's great and all but where's the guns?" Maya said, thinking Nathan's gonna be pretty useless.

" uh... here?" Nathan said, taking out a hand gun.

" awww soooo cuuuuttteeeeeee" Kumano said, thinking Nathan is so adorable.

" cute? That's not cute at all. It won't even hit anything all the way in the backline that's for sure. And if it does it won't do much damage. Your useless." Kii said, making Nathan say " I bet if I shot you it'll do a lot of damage." as Kii replied back with " try me. I'll let you go first than me." Telling Nathan she'll take a shot and in return give them back a much painful one.

Nathan was so confident one blow to the head would kill Kii. But... he didn't do it because he worried somehow Kii could cheat getting shot or something and end up shooting him. And he'd definitely die.

" yeah! you guys go ahead! I'll catch up!" Nathan called, paddling his hardest to catch up. Thinking that maybe he'll just sit this one out. They probably won't notice or need him anyway.


" awesome a family reunion? Can't wait for the gifts from our aunties" Z1 said, super excited to see all her aunts again.

" but you know how Hipper gets..." Z23 said, remembering all the time when they have a family reunion things go... well bar shit crazy.

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