(Half Completed) ver.

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Impero sat down at a table, eating her ice cream as she overheard some ships conversations from the nearby tables.

" what the fuck? Why do I have to be the one to buy her flowers and stuff? She should be doing it for me after everything I've done for her" Wichita complained, talking to Kii who scoffed and said " look you want pussy or not?" Talking to her straight out. As they both were sharing a Sunday (the ice cream)/Banana float together.

" Kii!" Kumano said, very upset as well as super embarrassed at what language her girl-friend (I definite it like this since I'm not sure wether they are friends or something more) is using. Thinking that she knows Kii to be very tomboyish and should expect that this is just the way she talks about... she's a girl too so... have some decency...

Wichita: " all I'm saying is that I should be the one getting flowers and chocolates" thinking through the entire relationship she has with Princeton she's been the one spoiling her with things/gifts and in return she's mostly gotten smiles, sometimes very few and far between small compliments, and sometimes a kiss or a moment of pleasure but these are so rare you might as well save it for the 'good' holidays like Christmas and uh... basically that's it. Oh and Valentine's Day of course but that's a given almost...

" you should be lucky you get anything! I can't believe a ship like Princeton is going out with a ship like you! A no good racist slob!" Kumano commented. Thinking Wichita is so inappropriate in all the wrong ways, she might not be as sexually teaseful as Prinz Eugen or Wales, but she implies so many innuendoes that she's kinda like... what is the term even?

Anyway, most of the ships either think Wichita is so racist wether she knows it or not, as well as extremely stupid or ignorant. Which Wichita doesn't not agree with it, however she'd like to say her qualities shine of her being so truthful and honest. Even though... that's not a good thing to be so honest and truthful about.

" and you call me out?" Kii said, scoffing, giving some attitude back to Kumano on her complaining about the way she talks. Thinking well look at her speak, sounding as bad as her supposedly.

Wichita: " first of all, and Kii no offense (Wichita gestures with her two fingers in the air making quotes) but your 'girlfriend' can go fuck herself! You fucking little bitch! You don't know me! I'm not racist! You are! Demons like you should crawl back to hell where you belong! And second! I'm not a slob! Somehow my house just gets dirty and I never have the time to clean it up! I'm still awaiting for the I-Eat-Dirt R-Bot to clean my shit up! But it's broken so I gotta get it fixed eventually when I eventually have time to go to the repair store and actually have some money if I don't blow it on useless stuff but that's probably likely gonna happen tho that I blow all my money on useless junk.."

Kumano now started to say something in Japanese, like she was cursing out Wichita. Almost going to unsheathe her sword/fight or even kill Wichita for saying that/those things. Until Kii slammed her hand on the table, causing the table to actually break and their ice creams to fall to the ground. Breaking the glass cups and container used for holding it. Making everyone in the ice cream stop turn their attention if it wasn't already to them.

" Wichita I can't allow you to talk to Kumano like that." Kii said, standing up. Causing Wichita to nervously say " uh? I'm s-sorry?" Waving her hands in defense with a cheeky little smile. Kii grabbed Wichita by the collar of her shirt, pulled her close to her face so they're right there face to face feeling each other's breaths and said " so don't ever speak to her like that again!" Growling. Showing her canines.

Wichita: " Y-YEP! YOU GOT IT! I-I-I WON'T!" Understanding her wrongdoings loud and clear.

Kii let go of Wichita than turned to Kumano and said " and don't you EVER disrespect my friend again! Got that?" Speaking specifically to Kumano. With the same ferocity as she did Wichita. Telling her that she will never use that language to describe Wichita ever again.

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