Why Am I Doing This Chapter?

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This chapter was based on an idea from a comment last chapter. However, I don't know if it's cannon or part of this story's lore lol because I'm loosing track of what's happening. So I guess you can choose if you want it or not lol.

* after spending 2-3 hours writing it I realized that this chapter is definitely for mature audiences. That there's so many inappropriate things going on that I'm super embarrassed to be writing about this stuff* I gotta warn all of you, this chapter is just smut I guess. But I guess you get to taste some variety writing.

Zuikaku had just come back from a sortie. However, it ended in defeat thanks to her mistake.

" great job Zuikaku. Really." Taihou said, sarcastically. Feeling like she wasted a whole day on nothing but disappointment. And loosing is never a good feeling.

" why are you praising her?! She did terrible! Did you forget she made us loose?!" Sakawa said, confused. Clearly not getting the sarcasm in Taihou's voice.

" she's being sarcastic idiot! Of course we all know Zuikaku did terrible!" Ibuki said, as Izumo commented " and this is why I only want to work with experienced ships." Knowing from the very beginning that Zuikaku was too inexperience for this type of mission. But Kii's the one who agreed to let her come. Boy what a regret she had right now.

Kii harshly bumped her shoulder into Zuikaku's shoulder. The force caused Zuikaku to fall to the ground.

" move!" Kii said, angrily. Growling. Feral. Taking this defeat the hardest was probably Zuikaku but Kii was probably on the same level. As she finds this defeat just absolutely disgraceful to the point of wanting to commit seppuku. And she was the flag ship, so she was the leader and she had to report what happened. Of course she's gonna inform everyone of Zuikaku's mistake which costed them their mission but she knows the elders won't care and will just blame whoevers the flagship because they're suppose to be the one in charge and make sure this doesn't happen so it's no ones responsibility but the leaders.

" I'm really sor-" Zuikaku was cut off by Kii saying " shut up! I don't wanna hear your voice right now! Ugh! Now I'm gonna get my ass whooped by the elders thanks to you! And when I'm done getting my ass whooped I'm gonna whoop your ass!" Serious about that.

" and you can forget ever sorting with me again!" Kii said, as Kaga asked " what's going here?" Seeing their team just pull in port. And hearing very loud arguing or commotion. Which is unlike Sakura Empire ships since they usually remain at voice level or below.

" forgive me my elder but I-" Zuikaku was cut off by Kii saying " my team came back defeated. My mistake." Saying it with such bitterness and anger. Hearing the last part through the grinding of her teeth.

" you disappoint me Kii." Kaga said, narrow her eyes and added " your punishment will be very severe."

Zuikaku: " Kaga-Senpai! It wasn't her fault! It was mine!" Blurting it out loud. Knowing that Kii's gonna take the fall but didn't want her to. Because she knew it was her mistake not hers.

Kaga narrowed her eyes at Zuikaku and said " Kii is this true?" Hearing Kii say " Zuikaku made a mistake that costed us the tide of the battle but-" Kaga raised her hand to silence her from anything anything more.

" than this punishment goes to you Zuikaku. You are all dismissed. Follow me." Kaga said, dismissing the rest of the team but wanting Zuikaku to follow her.

" y-yes my elder..." Zuikaku said, looking down. Kinda scared of what type of punishment she had in mind. Thinking it's probably going to involve physical violence.

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