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Sakawa: " ok" deciding to give up on her pursuit of Sendai. Looking one more time at Sendai who lowered her fox ears as Sakawa left the shower room.

It seemed like this never happened. Like the whole secret relationship they had, it was all gone. In some way Sakawa wished that she had never gone after Sendai in the first place but at the same time wished that she never kissed her because it broke what they had.

Sendai couldn't help but feel so guilty and sad that she did this. And yet, whenever they see each other at school, she treats her like shit. Under it all, she couldn't help but want to cry and say " i'm sorry" but it never happened. Sendai kept pushing down these unwanted feelings because she thought that she always knew it would've ended like this. She had expected it, prepared for it, and played along with it but... but than why did she feel... so sad? so... heartbroken?

Sakawa was so angry and depressed, she even contemplated seppuku. She started to skip class and stop showing up all together. Noshiro wasn't having none of that, but Sakawa just stayed locked up in her room all day. Noshrio of course busted through that door like a torpedo but it only caused a big argument and than a intense fight. In the end causing Sakawa to just storm out of the house. So, she's currently staying with Mikasa.

Mikasa knew Sakawa wasn't really attending school. She of course disciplined her about that, than afterwards asked " so what's wrong?" not getting an answer from her. So, Mikasa waited with patience.

Eventually it payed off.

Sakawa expressed that she was really into this one girl, not telling Mikasa who it was, and that this girl ended up toying with her and broke her heart.

Sakawa: " I really thought we had something... she just seemed so... good.." shaking her head. She should've listened to her sister that she was blinded by beauty and couldn't see through the deceit- Sakawa thought. Thinking she was so stupid. And yet, could've sworn that Sendai felt the same, even though she knew she was telling her that she wasn't interested in her than why did she... why did she do things that kept her close? it didn't make any sense to allow this to go on in secret for so long and than just abruptly end it like that. Not expecting her reaction like it was meaningless. Sakawa would've been fine if she acted sorry or anything, but not the way she reacted towards the whole thing.

Mikasa patted Sakawa on the back, maybe a bit too hard. Than said " don't let it deter you. You'll get more chances to find the right one." making Sakawa look down and couldn't help but think " damn I'm getting advice from a ship who had never been with anyone before" so it's like... invalid?

Sakawa just couldn't help her mouth and said " what about you Mikasa? why aren't you with anyone?" causing Mikasa to blush flustered by what Sakawa just said. Thinking how dare she talk like that to her elder, in addition, wow such a stinging question!- Mikasa thought as the flashbacks of stigma's started to get her. Where she is a single women/ship and has no other women/ship to support/be with her.

Mikasa: " w-well.. I put my work before uh.." knowing her life choices and where it led her.

" do you regret it?" Sakawa asked, hearing Mikasa shake her head saying " of course not!" very proud of everything she's accomplished. But at the same time, sad that she doesn't have anyone to share it with. When all is said and done, she might get praise and respect from others but alone at home with nobody but her silent cold medals displayed on her magnificent wall. Of all her valor and honor that she dedicated her life working for.

Mikasa: " although... I wish that I.. I could've balanced my life more" thinking that maybe she shouldn't have spent so much time out at sea fighting.

Mikasa shook her head saying " ah, no! what am i saying?! it's in the past now. We must move on or end up sinking by the weight of whatever holds us back." giving some good advice to Sakawa who felt like even though she was being held back by things she can't let go of she can't help it. And in a sense did not want to let it go.

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