An Ending.

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This is going to be the final chapter I write for this story (for real this time). I really have ran out of ideas (and I want to move onto writing other stories). Even if someone requests me to do another chapter for this story I will not (sorry!). This is really the ending (which technically should've ended a ton of chapters ago xd). Enjoy! :,)


" when is mama gonna come home?" U-110 asked, feeling like it's been over 6 months and she still hasn't returned.

" she's not coming back. She probably hates us because we're so weak." U-101 said, thinking she just left them.

" nein, that's not true." Z46 said, thinking she would never abandon them and that maybe she's out there hurt and needs help.

" how do you know? Oh wait your her favorite aren't you? And look at you now. A wreck." U-37 said, pushing Z46.

A fight soon broke out among the IronBlood children. The teens of IronBlood were fairing much better, after all they didn't have much needed attachment to Friedrich.

Bismarck (who's alive!) thanks to Akashi's miracle repairs managed to survive Odin's attack. But she was severely injured and was told that she would be out of commission until Akashi could find an Ultra Rare part which would turn her into a rainbow frame ship.

So far, could do nothing but watch as IronBlood slowly fell apart from the inside out.

She was far too weak to command anything, after all her throat had been slit. She was told/ordered not to talk by not only Akashi but Vestal who was the other repair ship around. Both of them constantly doing check ups and rounds to make sure Bismarck is okay.

Even writing words onto a piece of paper was misery. Since uh... who really writes English? So it had to be german... and than she needed someone german to translate what she said. That meant Tirpitz her sister ship had to be there by her side. Which Tirpitz was more than willing and wanted to, but Bismarck didn't allow it. Not wanting her sister to see her in this shape/condition.

So instead U-556 was her translator. But she could tell that U-556 was feeling down, for not only for her wellbeing of health but also of mama Friedrich who had gone missing. Little did she or any other ship than Bismarck and a few others knew she went back to be with her fiancé Mercedes.

Although nobody knew where Wichita was. Since she had just straight up disappeared. Eagle Union/Enterprise sent patrol ships extending far beyond its Azur Lane safety boarders but to no avail. They just couldn't find her. Princeton was devastated. Thinking it's her fault, that maybe if she still had her teaching job she would still be with them today. Unsure if she just sunk herself far off somewhere.

Eagle Union after 6 plus months called off the search, because they had to persevere resources. It hurt Enterprise to do this because Wichita was really her good friend even though she was a pain in the ass.

Some months had passed and Bismarck did get better. In fact, she had retrofitted thanks to Akashi. Akashi had found the Ultra Rare part she needed that not only fixed her but made her better/super powered turning her into Bismarck Zwei (idk why they added Zwei to her name but whatever the game decides).

But the time injured took its toll on her. She didn't speak much anymore, if any at all. She stayed mostly silent and kept to herself. She didn't smile anymore either. She liked to be alone now, and not among her advisors anymore. She had grown to be a distant and somewhat cold leader who ruled with an iron fist.

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