The Last Smile

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" I won't rest until I see Eugen genuinely smile" Wales said, as Wichita had a confused look on her face saying " I literally see her smile all the time" thinking that at least one time out of all of them she's genuinely smiling.

" they're all fake. I've been noticing it for the past month or so. And Z1 hasn't been showing up to school either." Wales said, at first not finding that out of the ordinary but pretty sure Hipper would've straighten out her bad attendance by now.

In addition, found out that Hipper apparently has been absent as one of the gym teachers. Which is no big deal since they still have Baltimore and Mikasa as gym teachers and they've been taking of the divide/half of half of Hippers gym class. Learning more from Princeton that Bismarck had informed her that Hipper was needed elsewhere, but didn't give her anymore information than that.

" I don't really see the correlation, Z1's not even Eugen's kid" Wichita said, than added " also, I think she's happy" referring to when she sees Eugen around. She still acts like her playful teasing self. Not noticing any change or difference.

And last week Eugen didn't show up at all to class. Hearing from Princeton that she called in sick. Which Wales thinks that's very unlikely, because when has Eugen ever been sick? Although it can happen that ship girls get sick. It's just very unlikely.

" look, can you please cover for my class?" Wales asked, knowing that Wichita is probably the last ship person in the world to leave this responsibility to but she had no choice. As all the other teachers would probably tell Wales the same thing but knew that Wichita would do it and not report it.

" I got my hands full already with my class" Wichita said, thinking she's got enough problems. " but what's in it for me?"

" please. I promise I'll make it up to you" Wales said, seeing Wichita smirk and say " deal." Without any other incentive.


Glowworm bumped into Hipper again from behind. Causing Hipper to gasp, at the sudden impact and turn around. With an angry look as well as a flush red face.

Hipper: " why you little-!" Seeing Glowworm deeply apologize saying " s-sorry!" Before Hipper could do or say anything more Bismarck called " Hipper. I need to speak with you." As Hipper turned her attention to her and said " what?" But her voice held anger and discontent in it. Showing no fear, even when speaking to the leader of IronBlood.

Bismarck clearly take aback, since she's usually spoken to with respect...

Bismarck: " uh- um.. I have a mission for you." Taking out file. But speaking completely in German to her, Hipper got the jest and so had the conversation completely in German back to her.

" it's top secret and classified. Only I and Friedrich know about this." Bismarck informed, as Hipper questioned, " and why doesn't Tirpitz know about this mission?" As usually every top secret classified report goes through her (Bismarck), Friedrich, and Tirpitz.

" this mission..." Bismarck didn't finish. But Hipper knew exactly why.

" fine." Hipper said, accepting it.

Bismarck put her hand on Hippers shoulder and nodded. With that Bismarck left.

Hipper was about to leave the scene when Glowworm asked " huh? Wait is there anyone else going with you on that mission?" Confusing Hipper. " huh?" Hipper said, turning around.

Glowworm: " the top secret classified mission Bismarck gave you"

Hipper: " how do you know that?" Pretty sure Glowworm doesn't know a lick of German.

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