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Bismarck put her hand on Odin's shoulder and smiled. " thank you old friend. I knew I could count on you." Bismarck said, as they had finished taking down the Sirens that followed her and Hood.

Odin didn't smile. Not saying a word as Bismarck went inland to go to the dinner summit and reunite with Hood.

" are we still old friends?" Odin asked, but Bismarck was already out of range for her to hear. And Odin knew this. But felt like they were no longer. Contemplating this thought for a while now.

Odin returned to base too, checking up on to see if Glowworm was still here. Only to find that she and Ulrich still are.

" I thought you'd already left by now" Odin said, crossing her arms seeing Ulrich narrow her eyes at her and say " and sink at sea?" making Odin smirk and look at Glowworm.

Odin: " come with me" seeing Glowworm hesitate.

" if you don't Ulrich will suffer for it" Odin threatened. Getting Glowworm to immediately get up and follow her. As Ulrich narrowed her eyes and growled. Thinking once she gets repaired she's definitely gonna kill Odin.

Odin walked with Glowworm to the dinning hall. " eat." Odin said, giving her a plate with uh raw sea creatures. " oh uh.. I don't eat Sirens" Glowworm said, seeing all their limbs chopped up.

" do you want to eat bugs instead?" Odin said, thinking they got a lot of cockroaches in IronBlood.

" no!" Glowworm said, making Odin groan. Thinking that maybe Glowworm's fate is going to be starvation instead of some kind of punishment.

" fine. I guess I'll go out and catch some fresh fish for you" Odin said, grabbing Glowworm's arm and yanking her with her out to sea.

Afterwards of Odin using her giant mechanical shark heads to quick attack/catch some fish in it's jaws. She gave the still alive fish to Glowworm to eat.

" I need to cook this" Glowworm said, seeing Odin groan once more. Thinking these unsuperior ships are too much.

And so, Glowworm cooked the fish. A plenty too.

" aren't you going to eat it all?" Odin asked, seeing Glowworm wrap up the rest.

Glowworm: " no, I can't eat this much. Also I'm gonna bring some back for Ulrich"

Odin: " why?" confused. Thinking that's precious resources right there and it belongs to Glowworm. Who knows when her next meal might be.

" well I'm not just gonna let her starve" Glowworm said, thinking that's unhuman that she eats and her fellow prisoner doesn't.

" she won't starve. We can go some months without eating." Odin spoke, hearing Glowworm say " I'm still going to give some to her" making Odin ask " why?" again. Not understanding why Glowworm would do this, since she just told her that they don't need to eat for months.

" because she's also my friend" Glowworm said, thinking that they are. Even though they hadn't explicitly stated or talked about it. Just feeling like Ulrich is her friend after the few days they've been held in that cell together.

" friend?" Odin said, finding that word so strange to use when it comes to two separate factions who are so vastly different in ideals and anatomy & appearance.

" yeah, like you and Bismarck. If you had some food and she didn't you'd give her some right?" Glowworm said, thinking that they must be friends because she's her General. So, they must be close and know each other well like good friends.

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