Sometimes We Need to Hurt Each Other Because We Love Each Other

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This takes place further along in the story, towards the future of events of my story.

Friedrich had just had a bad fight with Mercedes, not only in the verbal category but in the physical one too. It was all about giving up her kids, all 600+ children Friedrich has.

She couldn't bare the idea of not know that they're being taken care of. She always felt like they need someone to watch over them, to guide them, to comfort them, to love them. But unfortunately Mercedes didn't feel that way, and felt that Friedrich looking after weaker ships/most of the children was a waste of time, resources, and herself. So she demanded that Friedrich give them up, Friedrich unable to maintain her position on this argument ended up forfeiting her rights. Due to Mercedes being the one who rules over their relationship and her.

Wichita was there to comfort Friedrich, who did not cry but was broken on the inside. Seeing her stand looking over the black railing down upon all her children playing unbeknownst to her presence watching over them in the playground.

" well all kids needa grow up someday right?" Wichita said, unsure if she should pat or rub Friedrich on her back to make her feel better. Or do none of it, because she doesn't know if it's even safe to do that...

" children need supervision. Some I can accept letting go because they are old enough to take care of themselves. However, look at the younger ones. They cannot." Friedrich said, already knowing the fate of most of her children if she did not look after them.

" hey! I've got a great idea! Why don't you host an adoption? You could give all the couples in Azur Lane your children! It'll be awesome! Like how me and Princeton took care of Z46 like she was our own!" Wichita said, now realizing maybe the last example ain't the best one to refer too..

However, Friedrich seemed to light up hearing that idea.

" well I suppose that's one solution to my problem." Friedrich said, thinking about it.

" but I doubt whoever adopts will follow the rules I give about the children... especially feeding them once a month..." Friedrich muttered, knowing that's going to definitely be a problem. As the little ones are so persuasive on guilt tripping other ships that don't know their biology or culture for food.

" oh come on, what's a little food here and there will hurt? I see the adults gobble down cauldron full of Siren tentacles!" Wichita said, thinking so what if the kids eat more than they should. Nothing bad happens to the adults as far as Wichita knows...

" you're wrong. Eating an over excess amount of food for us is dangerous. Even for adults. If it continues we will eventually loose control and restraint of ourselves and give into the monster I've infused ourselves with. It's more difficult with children, since they need to develop the restraint we adults developed. And if not, Voracious eaters we will become, if that happens we must kill them. Because they'll eat anything.. even each other." Friedrich explained, telling this to Wichita before but now making it more highlighted.

" you aren't feeding Z46 more than she should are you?" Friedrich asked, very serious about it.

" wha- n-no way!" Wichita said, lying. She lied, because she was scared. Scared that she knew she disobeyed Friedrich's rule and couldn't bare the consequences.

Friedrich looked, away. Not wishing to seek the answer/truth, as she and Wichita have been through a lot together and she couldn't bare knowing if Wichita was lying that she had dammed one of her beloved children that she had entrusted to her.

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