~Requested Chapter~

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^ I feel like this song represents what's happening. So good! I can relate to much to this music because I play a lot of games like this where it relies on team work and I'm always the one that helps others and dies for it. If you read my other story, than sorry I re-used the song again but xd I like it a lot.

While out at sea. They had ran into an IronBlood fleet in their waters. It was a good thing too because Sirens just happened to attack. Rossiya had known that IronBlood ships began to sail further and further from their own territory because of the past famine that's been plaguing everyone so far as well as depleting resources of all kinds. The fish in the sea seem to be disappearing despite no humans existing anymore. But, it seems like the Sirens we're poisoning them or something because they're getting lower and lower in number.

" a truce?" Soyuz said, as the amount of Sirens here we're numerous/overwhelming even to just 1 team. But maybe 2 could handle it.

Hindenburg hmph'd unamused and said so plainly and dully, monotoned " stand aside." as her monster of a mechanical shark tore through a whole crowd of Sirens.

" don't be too reckless Hindenburg, you almost got a scratch on your face last time" Seydlitz said, looking over to the Northern Parliament ships who were very few in number. Not even though to form a proper team of 6. They only had 4.

" we will gladly take your assistance on behalf of IronBlood" Seydlitz spoke, accepting this truce. Thinking the more help the better.

" how pitiful" Hindenburg commented, thinking that accepting another factions ships help in something so trivial as this just shows them that they are weak. Which they most certainly are not.

Seydlitz: " pitiful or not, let's just work together alright?" understanding that rainbow ship frames just have this god-like personality where they think that they're untouchable and are above all else.

The fight was brutal. On the Sirens that is. Now that Rossiya and Soyuz actually had adequate cover from the front lines they could actually relax more and aim much better than before. In addition, no one was coming to the backline and hurting them/rushing them/getting in free hits.

Pamiat and Tashkent enjoyed having tanker in the front who could actually take hits, enjoying their protection. IronBlood's side also enjoyed having more brutal damagers in the front line, helping them quell the Sirens from advancing forward, and even pushing forward. Pushing the Sirens back.

Although this magic of teamwork didn't happen right away. It took both teams a moment to adjust to each other's fighting style.

When the battle was over...

" you're Sovetskaya Rossiya are you not?" Seydlitz asked, pretty sure she is. Based on her ship.

" I am." Rossiya said, hearing her than say " since you are the leader of the Northern Parliament I ask on behalf of IronBlood, why don't you join us in our alliance with Azur Lane?" Seydlitz spoke, hearing Leipzig say " w-we can do that?" surprised.

" I don't see why not. But I'm sure that you're faction had received such an invitation already" Seydlitz said, hearing Rossiya say " no. We never got one." thinking that whoever the leaders are in the other factions did not want them joining. Which Rossiya couldn't blame them based on their ships past history together.

Little did she know, that the invitation got sabotaged before it could reach the Northern Parliament.

" perhaps it had gotten lost in transition somewhere, I'll speak to-" Seydlitz was cut off by Rossiya saying " whatever the case may be it is a no from our faction. We have enough to deal with than to take on more troubles." turning the offer down.

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