I'm Just Not Happy

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Sirius: " s-sorry!" Apologizing once more for her mistakes.

Vanguard made a heavy sigh and say " I've told you a thousand times how to do it correctly! I don't understand why you can't do it!" Fed up.

" unbelievable.. why can't you be like the other maids?" Vanguard commented, gesturing to the other ones she has. Who can all adequately perform their duties without a second thought.

Sirius: " I-I don't know.." not sure why she can't be like them. Even though she tries very hard to be.

Vanguard: " you know what. Just go home. I can't talk to you right now." Too frustrated. Unable to maintain decorum.

Sirius bowed, than held her head down as she walked passed the other maids who were all whispering about her.

Sirius sighed thinking that no matter what she does it's never good enough.

While at the bar, deciding to blow what petty pay she gets of a salary.

There, she met Friedrich Carl. A new ship she's never seen before.

However, Carl looked like she had basically brought out the whole bar by the amount of empty drinks she had circled around her.

Sirius figured that IronBlood ships just loved to drink, so she must be too but... this ship seemed to be very mopey. Like she was down right sad about something. She also saw that this new ship doesn't seem to be handling/holding down her liquor as the other ships do. She seems like a light weight at least in the drinking department despite her faction/class of ship which is extremely odd. Seeing that ship flushed, when no other ship of her Factions class is like that.

Sirius took a good look at her and thought that surly she must have no problem in the fighting department, seeing her riggings. But she herself, didn't actually look/give off a frightening or scariness as some of the other IronBlood ships did so.. maybe that's her problem?- Sirius thought. Than thinking why does she even care? She's here to get wasted not think about another ships problem. Still, she couldn't help but look over at her. Feeling bad for them. Seeing her sit there all alone.

Carl noticed Sirius looking at her and raised an empty glass saying " hello there stranger sitting all the way over there on the other end of the bar counter. Could I offer to buy you a drink?" Making Sirius say " m-me?" Thinking wow she's talking to her? Usually whenever anybody talks to her it's just to give her orders or tell her what she's doing wrong. Sad. Still thinking that she must be referring to someone else. Looking around to see if she was trying to speak to someone else.

" why yes, who else would I be referring to? It seems everyone else here at this bar is taken.. not that it matters much to me anyway... I'm not looking for companionship really. So you needn't worry. However, I'd like some company. To talk to that is. Of course if you turn down my invitation I take no offense either if you'd just prefer to drink alone." Carl said, looking around. Seeing everyone else have a drinking buddy or a friend group. Not interesting in those things, but is looking for someone to pass the time with, with some light conversation that leads to nowhere.

" o-oh well I um.." Sirius said, nervously. Never have been asked out before. Let alone been engaged in a conversation that actually values her opinion.

" s-sure" Sirius said, shakily getting up. And moving closer to her. Knocking down a bar stood on her way.

" s-sorry!" Sirius said, apologizing as the bartender San Francisco gave her a mean look. And said " you break it you buy it. Now either order something in my bar or get out." Pointing to the door.

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