The Social Order

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The field trip had passed, and a few weeks had gone by. It was another regular day at school.... or was it?

At the lunch table, Javelin, Laffey, Z23, and Ayanami were all sitting together enjoying a nice meal. Unicorns meal time was different than theirs.

But of course each were dealing with their own external and internal problems.

Javelin was facing a crisis that dealt with picture day coming up, she wanted to look her best but she didn't know what to wear. In addition, she had to get her hair just right. Luckily Javelin didn't wear make up, no. She let her natural beauty shine through.

Javelin also wanted to get her nails done, even though that has nothing to do with getting your picture taken since it's only of your face.

She was stressed at the table, thinking when the day comes she's gonna blow it and all the school will see an ugly and horrible picture.

Of course she didn't express this to her friends, but she knew they wouldn't understand. So she kept her to herself, pushing the food around on her plate. Unable to eat anything because of the butterflies in her stomach. She's already looked around the shopping mall and found absolutely nothing to wear. The day was coming closer and closer to when she'd need to take her picture.

Laffey ate her food slowly, she wasn't in much of a mood for anything. Not even sleep. Lately her grades have been so low she's been told by Princeton that she's most likely going to end up in summer school. To which Laffey always ended up in summer school and didn't mind at all. But this time it was a real bother, because Laffey promised Javelin in the summer time that they'd all hang out together and do fun things. But how can she do that if she's in summer school? Desperately trying to get her grades up. Laffey after school, chose to not hang out with her friends (which shocked all of them and felt like Laffey didn't want to hang out with them anymore because Laffey didn't tell them where she was going or doing) maybe because Laffey talked to Wichita to do... " favors..." to get her grades up. Since it was almost the middle of the school year. Report cards are coming.

She also went to the library to get studying help from Peter. But this wasn't working, Laffey just wasn't smart enough to understand what Peter was talking about. In addition, Laffey always ended falling asleep. This pissed off Peter a lot to be trying to teach someone and get this kind of lack of respect back. In the end Peter ended up telling Laffey that she can't help her study, feeling like Laffey isn't even trying.

So, Laffey also got an outside job working for Akashi to earn some money to pay for test answers that she'd buy off Saratoga who got it from Z1 who got it from bullying the nerds and geeks like Ingraham, Hatakaze, L'Opiniâtre, Béarn, Eskimo, etc.

How did Saratoga get it from Z1 you ask? Well that's because they're like girlfriend and girlfriend.

Z1 liking the power that comes from being a bully in school, aside from her home life of getting beaten up constantly and put down by Hipper. Enjoys terrorizing her fellow classmates and anyone who crosses her path. She targets the weak looking ships, but isn't scared either to confront or fight the stronger ships either.

A lot of ships stay out of Z1's path of destruction. So when Z1 saw someone who's strong like Saratoga, who has a personality of causing trouble and being bad, she of course was attracted to her. In addition to Saratoga being really cute and pretty, and popular too.

This was a devastating combo, since Saratoga is kinda like a mean girl but mostly a prankster at heart. Z1, well... is a bully at heart and just gets off on watching other people suffer.

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