Why Are You Doing This To Me?

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Ayanami was walking down the schools hall and saw Z23 talking to Prinz Rupprecht. Seeing Z23 laugh at something she said. This got Ayanami very jealous.

" hey" Ayanami said, butting in.

" hey" Z23 said, smiling at her. While Rupprecht didn't look to happy to suddenly be cut off in a conversation she and Z23 were having.

Rupprecht started again to talk in German to Z23. Which made Ayanami very angry. Since she cannot understand what they are saying to each other.

" hey you know it's rude to talk another language than English when another faction's ship is here" Ayanami said, wanting Rupprecht to speak English so she can understand.

Rupprecht gave Ayanami an mean and annoyed look, continued to speak German for whatever she wanted to say/finish and than bid her friend adieu.

" why didn't you do anything?" Ayanami said, upset. Thinking Z23 didn't stand up for her. That she continued to let Rupprecht speak German to her when she should've spoken up for her and ask her to speak English while Ayanami was present.

" it's not important on what she had to say" Z23 said, seeing Ayanami scoff and say " so? I'd still like to know what's being said. How would you like it if I spoke Japanese to another Japanese ship while your standing right there" making Z23 say " not upset if that's what you think I would feel" not understanding why Ayanami is so adamant in knowing what was said in a brief un-nutritious conversation she and Rupprecht had. Over nothing. She even told Ayanami it was nothing.

" oh really? than what was that all about? I want to know what she said to you" Ayanami said, hearing Z23 say " nothing, it wasn't anything of importance" making Ayanami say " I'd still like to know what it was about" seeing Z23 give her a mean look and say " it's none of your business" causing Ayanami to loose her temper and say " it's clearly something if you're being so secretive about it" making Z23 now turn up her anger a little and say " I told you it's nothing, your making a big deal out of nothing"

Ayanami: " than why won't you tell me? huh?" questioning her.

Z23: " why do I need to tell you everything I do and say? Don't you trust me?" now questioning Ayanami. Knowing that sure ships feel jealousy but it's usually more on the IronBlood side. I mean Z23 is not questioning every interaction Ayanami is having with ships she's coming into contact to.

Ayanami: " I just want to know what was said" hearing Z23 say " it's a private conversation" this caused Ayanami to be infuriated with anger. Thinking that Z23 is hiding something from her.

Javelin interrupted seeing her friends by the lockers.

Javelin: " oi! luv's you'll never believe what me and Laffey got!" very cheerfully, but her mood soon changed seeing the atmosphere between Ayanami and Z23 was very tense.

Javelin: " um.. did we come at a bad time?" thinking she and Laffey are barging in on something.

Ayanami: " no. Apparently it was 'nothing' so what is it?" sounding a bit annoyed seeing Z23 give her a mean look wanting to say " it is nothing!"

Laffey: " look, we got matching key chains" showing off their Halloween trinkets they got from trick or treating. Prinz Adalbert made them, handing them out to all the children who wanted some candy and a item.

" cool right!" Javelin said, happily explaining how although it looks the same they all have a variation. Like maybe a different shade of color, or a different small detail on it. Anyway what I'm trying to say is each one is very similar but different.

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