This Chapter is specifically for @nathan599956

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@nathan599956 this chapter is made especially for you.

^ I watched this anime, and it's really good. But I chose the music because it was upbeat so I hope you enjoy it. To lighten the mood, even though this chapter isn't dark or anything.

Sakawa: " I really really like her!" talking to her big sister Noshrio.

" hah NO. You really really DON'T." Noshrio replied back, thinking of all the girls Sakawa could've fallen for it just had to be Sendai.

Sakawa: " she's just soooo pretty" all lovey dovey when thinking about her.

" yeah, that's what all foxes are. And you know what else they are? Deceitful" Noshiro said, remembering her time with Jintsuu.

" hey, don't let your bad experience ruin mine" Sakawa said, annoyed that Noshiro is acting like this. That she isn't even happy for her.

" besides beauty is there anything else you like about her?" Noshiro asked, for real. Thinking beauty isn't everything.

" yeah, I love her personality" Sakawa said, causing Noshrio to half heartedly laugh. Thinking her sister is joking.

" ok! Don't say I didn't warn you" Noshiro said, waving off her little sister for her to do what she pleases.

" and don't you dare come back crying about it" Noshiro said, having a pretty good idea of what'll happen. Which would be, her little sis getting rejected on the spot by Sendai while she makes a nasty comment back towards her which'll make Sakawa feel so embarrassed and shamed because all of Sendai's friends will be with her and butt in, also bullying her about it- that was what Noshrio was imagining the most likely scenario.

Although another scenario ran through Noshiro's mind, which was that Sendai pretends to accept Sakawa and ends up doing something bad to her- which would be absolutely unforgivable- if that happened I'd definitely kill her- Noshrio thought.

Sakawa was extremely nervous going up to Sendai, who was surrounded by the popular girls. Since she was one of the head popular girls in the school.

She took a deep breath in, than out. Sakawa walked straight up into Sendai's face, seeing her eyes on her. Fox ears once down were now standing tall and alert of Sakawa's actions.

" what do you want?" Sendai said, standing up, she was much taller than Sakawa. Seeing her smile, than say " I like you, and I wanna be your girlfriend" making Sendai immediately burst out laughing. Even her friends after hearing that, started to laugh.

" hah the likes of you? you can't be serious." Sendai said, thinking Sakawa must be joking, and that she should know her place.

" yeah I'm dead serious, do you wanna have lunch with me after school? A new place just opened up and I thought-" Sakawa was cut off by Sendai, using her pointer finger, boping Sakawa's nose and said " I don't think so freak" than left with her friends, as Sakawa could hear Sendai talking about it with her friends, and hear them laughing.

However, Sakawa smiled, thinking that Sendai must like her. Because she boped her nose. So, quite frankly everything else she said was out the window.

Sakawa didn't give up. After all, Mikasa told her that " persistence is the key, if you keep going after something eventually you're gonna get it one way or another" ( which is a good and bad thing..). So, anyway after Sendai's class, Sakawa waiting for her with a small box of chocolates. " u-uh! Sendai! I got these for you!" Sakawa said, with an embarrassed look on her face. Super nervous just being in her presence let alone trying to hand her a box of chocolates. With a hand-written letter.

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