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Finally Princeton managed to convince Wichita to come back to school and teach. Well, made her return a sick day earlier than Wichita planned to. Anyway, it was kinda a win for Princeton so she'd take it. But of course when she got back.. she had a ton of paperwork on her desk. Oh boy. What did she miss?- Princeton thought sighing.

Meanwhile in the pre-k/kindergarten classroom--

Wales couldn't take her eyes off Eugen. Seeing her bend over, to lower herself to that little kids face level. To hand them a lollipop because they had earned enough star stickers to get a prize from the prize bag. Ayyy remember those days? I don't know if they do that anymore ;-; but when I was growing up they use to.

Eugen turned around to see Wales smiling at her. Very happy with what she sees. Good- Eugen thought. Wanting to tease Wales a bit more. After all, let's just say over the course of this school year things have been... eventful.

" I've got a big surprise for our class. Want to know what it is?" Wales said, hiding something behind a curtain that cut off more than half of the class room. Leaving the kids to tilt their heads and become confused/curious on what's behind it.

Mutsuki: " candy!" Hoping that's it.

" toys!" Bailey said, wanting that to be it.

" nothing!" Omaha said, happily as Charles Ausburne replied back " it can't be nothing you idiot!" thinking their must be something behind there or else why would Wales just put a curtain that cuts off half the class room for nothing?

" what is it?" Unicorn asked, hearing Wales say " it's a take home your own art. I know how you children love to draw-" (interrupted by Downes saying " not me" as Cassin replied " same. I suck at drawing.") as Wales continued " well most of you do. Anyway, make some art. Have fun." Revealing behind the curtain....

A whole classroom full of art supplies. Bringing in canvases, oils, acrylics, water color, crayons, paints, can paint sprays, etc. you name it.

As well as all the tools and stuff like paint brushes, rollers, scissors, tape, paper and newspaper, M95 masks for the toxic fumes that will clearly be emitted from using some of the materials above this sentence. Got mannequins too.

" WOW" Wales's class went. In awe at the sheer amount of items and choices they have. Well you know, Wales spares no expensive since she is a Royal. Money. Money. Money. In a rich ships world.

Even Eugen was shocked at how much there were and such verity too.

That's when all the kids ran to the art stations and claimed their stuff. Taking multiple items for themselves to use. Some girls even pushed and shoved or fought each other. Of course Wales called out to say " and no fighting! Or else no one will paint!" Giving a warning that she will take away what was given. The kids knew Wales was serious about this, since she had done it before when Wales threw a tiny cake tasting party but some kids complained that they didn't like the flavor they got and took other kids cakes this led Wales to throw away all the cake even from the kids that were good and enjoyed their cake but too bad everyone suffers. - don't you hate those people? The ones that punish you for someone else's bullshit? I do. But Wales is like that, if everyone can't be satisfied than no one will be. Everyone will suffer. No matter if you are good.

While the kids were distracted/busy painting and making their own works of art. Wales got the opportunity to wrap her arms around Eugen. Surprising her from behind.

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