It Wasn't All Bad

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My apologies, I was on break/vacation seeing family. While on the train (cross country ;)) coming back, I thought of this idea. (Even though my train ride back was terrible = fellow passengers ruined it). But I did enjoy the view. (Lol this sentence taken outta context xd).


Recently Akashi had developed new pills to suppress the Heat that some Sakura Empire ships experienced. It worked. However... the side effects are another problem. Which just makes you feel tired/low energy/not the same amount of power you originally have. This clearly isn't really such a big deal. But... for someone like Takao and Hiryuu they hated the pills. Takao couldn't stand the feeling of being exhausted doing something she always does (such as training). She could still train, but not as long and as much as she'd like. Hiryuu felt the same. So... they stopped/didn't take the pills. But...

Takao: " we can't keep doing this..." her dog ears were hanging down low. She was in the locker rooms shower with Hiryuu. Her white long bunny ears flickered as some droplets of water hit it.

" I'm with Zuikaku" Takao said, telling her this before just recently and still hadn't told anyone else that. Wanting it to be kept low key. Hiryuu understood but...

Hiryuu: " please..." rubbing up against Takao. Who winced, she didn't want to keep doing this but... the lust was too strong. Going behind Zuikaku's back to relieve not only herself but Hiryuu. Who when in heat, acts like a bunny and you know what they do best...

Hiryuu hated doing this too, after all her and Takao and Zuikaku are all best friends but... she couldn't help herself. The animal instinct within her (being a bunny) was too strong.

Takao felt Hiryuu's soft body rub against her, and nuzzled her between her neck. Turning her on a lot. Hiryuu was very good looking too. She was asking/begging for it, and Takao couldn't hold back anymore, loosing her integrity. Giving Hiryuu exactly what she wanted. Not to say that Takao didn't want it too, even though she was with Zuikaku she doesn't commonly relieve herself with her because well uh their relationship isn't that physically intimate all the time. (It's like this: Takao would like to be physically involved with Zuikaku 6 out of 7 days of a week when in heat. But Zuikaku would probably only do 2/7 the most.).

Takao hadnt relieved herself for 2 weeks straight, since Zuikaku was so busy and Takao was recently on a intense sortie where she didn't have any time to do/think about reliving herself.

When she was inside Hiryuu, she couldn't help but think that she was so unbelievably tight. And... what's more is she was actively pushing up against her wanting more. Like what she was giving her wasn't enough. Wanting her to go deeper. Hiryuu kept begging Takao. " please" she kept saying over and over like she was in such horrible pain.

Takao urged on by Hiryuu's pleas, pushed inside her harder and harder. More violently too. Takao began to show her canines, like an aggressive dog who won't let you interfere with its meat. Maybe Takao got a little too rough, biting one of Hiryuu's rabbit ears. Drawing blood. Really taking Hiryuu by force. Going to show you the 'class' difference of power/strength between animals in the Sakura Empire. (So imagine a dog and bunny doing it).

And so... they had an 'intimate' time in the showers.

Lunch Period:

Takao saw a tennis ball fly across and her dog instincts kicked in, making her get up and chase it. Leaving Hiryuu and Zuikaku there.

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