Just 4 U

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This part I made especially for FabMichGloe

Weser was passing by, walking with Peter talking about a report. Business as usual. But than Weser saw Hipper and Eugen by the vending machine and somehow got the feeling like she was a part of them.

" is something the matter?" Peter said, seeing her friend suddenly stop and watch Hipper and Eugen. Eugen was teasing Hipper as usual and Hipper was once again chasing her around with her baton. Going to show her why she's on the top of the hierarchy of the Hipper class.

" nein.." Weser said, as they continued to walk past.

Weser was at the top of the watch tower and looked down to see Mainz who seemed very indifferent of her sisters. She was very cold towards all of them, and plainly showed that she just didn't care about them. Hearing straight from her that she doesn't classify herself as their sister, and that she isn't a Hipper class ship. Weser thought that was just the resentment talking. Because she knew how Hipper treated Mainz when she was little, always like a failure. And never showed any love or affection towards her, always putting her down. But that's how she raised all her sisters expect maybe treated Eugen a tiny bit different just a tiny but who she had a soft spot for. Maybe she showed a little more special treatment for her.

Mainz: " I told you they are not my sisters." Talking to Brunhilde.

Brunhilde: " mm hmm." Not believing her. " they are not! Especially Hipper!" Mainz said, crossing her arms.

" when's your next family dinner?" Brunhilde asked, hearing Mainz scoff and say " tomorrow..."

Brunhilde: " save me some of your sisters cooking" making Mainz shout back " I TOLD YOU THEY ARE NOT MY SISTERS!" As Brunhilde than said " sister ship problems. Glad I was an only ship." As Mainz still tried to convey that none of them are her sisters.

" and that's a fact" Aoba said, talking to Lützow and Tallinn.

" so your me?" Lützow said, confused. Looking at Tallinn who was still processing what was said.

Tallinn: " I.. am? Huh? What? How?" Not understanding at all.

" fake newwwwssss!!!" Wichita said, grabbing Aoba's news papers and ran.

" hey! Those are based on facts!" Aoba shouted, chasing after Wichita.

---- ^ I hope you enjoyed that part :) ------

Tirpitz made a small smile than said " I'm impressed. Your doing quite well." Heinrich didn't say anything, she had a stern serious look on her face. Not playing. Not wanting to say anything either.

Tirpitz looked at the double sided glass mirror and smirked. " very well played." Tirpitz said, nodding to Peter in acknowledgement.

Tirpitz: " I guess I should've expected some knowledge and skill rub off from observing Peter's and Friedrich's play."

Tirpitz: " but still, you falter. Unfortunately." Knocking out some of Heinrich's most valuable chess pieces. Destroying all her pawns expect 1. And that's the only one left that can take out the Queen.

" checkmate." Tirpitz said, delivering the final blow.

" nein!" Peter shouted, behind the glass. As Brunhilde restrained her.

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