Surrounding Pressure

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Sheffield and Cleveland talked about what happened, and Sheffield apologized thinking she may have overreacted. Cleveland was telling her " no! No! I shouldn't have done that!" Thinking it was her fault for making her feel that way.

So, Cleveland decided to ease what had happened between them they'd go out as friends to a baseball game.

Despite all her sisters telling Cleveland that the Royal Navy girls aren't into that kind of thing. Making Cleveland say " who doesn't like baseball?!" Thinking that's ridiculous. However it was true...

Sheffield didn't understand what was so amusing seeing people around around in somewhat of a hexagon shape, or the hype about having 3 tries for hitting that ball.

" YEAHHHH THATS WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT!" Cleveland shouted, standing up with the crowd cheering.

" why are we cheering for both teams?" Sheffield said, not understanding why everyone is standing up, jumping up and down, yelling and screaming in joy for seeing the ball get hit for both teams. Thinking that surely everyone has their own team and should just be cheering for that one.

" because they hit the ball!" Cleveland said, giving such a basic and simple answer. Her response was so pure and joyful too.

" why are we on the screen?" Sheffield said, pointing to the kiss cam.

Cleveland blushed so hard, signaling with her hand cancel that. But everyone around them and everyone in the stadium is urging them to " kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"

Sheffield: " what's that? A kiss cam?" Reading the big screen showcasing them.

" y-yeah they want us to kiss" Cleveland said, embarrassed.

" KISS KISS KISS" the chanting began louder and louder. Practically speaking in their ears.

" w-were just friends!" Cleveland shouted, but that didn't stop other ships from pushing her closer and closer to Sheffield.

" it's fine, let's get on with it" Sheffield said, thinking they won't continue this idiotic game without it.

" -?!" Was Clevelands reaction. She wasn't ready/prepared.

Cleveland thought that its all happening so fast. Sheffield leaned in, making Cleveland feel like she's gonna have a heart attack. Moving so back in her seat she ended up falling backwards, with Sheffield on top. Causing the whole crowd to " OOOOOOOO" thinking this is gonna be the best kiss yet they're gonna see.

But that's when all the lights cut off. Making the whole arena dark.

Cleveland used this opening to grab Sheffield's hand and run out.

Sheffield was visibly upset. Thinking that Cleveland didn't need to do that. After all, she paid an arm and a leg for their tickets. Not to mention all the other additional expenses such as foods and drinks. And the game wasn't over yet either. She was also a little frustrated that Cleveland didn't want to kiss her, I mean sure they aren't like that but one harmless kiss on the lips won't hurt anyone.

Cleveland didn't understand why Sheffield was so upset, it seemed like this event divided them even more. Cleveland offered to walk Sheffield home but got the cold shoulder. Some American ships told her that Royal Navy ships just demand high maintenance.


Akashi: " here ya go Nya~" giving Enterprise an outfit that didn't fit her personality.

Enterprise: " I can't wear this!" Blushing in embarrassment. " don't you have anything else?"

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