Am I Too Close?

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Next morning basically Mikasa told everyone they could do whatever they wanted, whether it was hitting the slopes, staying warm inside the cabin enjoying a cup of hot coco, or going to the hot springs. In addition, shopping for souvenirs or enjoying the all you can eat buffet here at the luxury resort.

Mikasa noticed that Hiryuu seemed to have not slept at night, seeing that there are bags under her eyes and questioned if anything had happened. To which she got the response of "no" from both of them. Although that was true, Mikasa still had her suspicions and told both of them that she's gonna keep a close eye on them.

Hiryuu: " so.. I guess you're just gonna follow me all day for the next 2 weeks huh?" seeing Mio walk besides her like they're friends. Even though they aren't.

Mio just smiled, not needing to say anything more to it. Hiryuu scoffed and picked up her pace, trying to ditch/leave behind Mio.

Mio was going to go after her, but Mio's other friends came along side her.

" Mio! come on! let's hit the slopes!" Jintsuu said, pulling her friends arm.

" yeah! and let's give a 'push' to some of the prey too" Sendai said, thinking it'll be really funny to push the scaredy cats down the slopes. Seeing them stand there shaking at the top in fear of going down.

Mio: " you girls go ahead. I'm gonna go after Hiryuu"

Jintsuu scoffed and said " why do you keep going after that bunny? I mean she has some great legs but didn't you get everything you wanted from her already? why don't you move onto new prey?" referring to that 'incident' that Mio told them about...

Mio: " no" wanting more than that. " I want her." seeing both her friends shake her head. Not understanding Mio at all or why she's obsessed with such a difficult bunny girl.

Sendai: " maybe we should just teach her a lesson for being so stuck up" suggesting that, only to get Mio to push her against the wall and say " don't you dare" growling. Not playing.

" o-ok!" Sendai said, not meaning to offend Mio, having that fear in her voice. Not wanting to challenge her.

Mio backed off and smiled and said " you two have fun, I'll catch up with you later ok?" seeing both of them quickly nod and run off.

So, Mio followed Hiryuu into the movie theater (which they have at that luxury resort).

The movie they were playing was actually a banned film but you can't ban everyone from ever obtaining it or seeing it. Anyway the resort manager/person who runs the resort actually starred in the movie and well if you're the star you're gonna make people watch your show. The movie isn't bad. Well, it's just a film that's been criticized and looked down upon due to it's intermixing of species (which isn't acceptable in this world). However, the film is really interesting and points out a lot of dynamics (I'm making this stuff up this film doesn't actually come from anywhere expect my own imagination for a reference).

Hiryuu had never seen this film before, but Mio has.

While sitting next to each other in practically an empty movie theater (since others who have heard of this movie choose not to watch it/not want to be associated with it don't go).

Although Hiryuu has heard of this film being banned/looked down upon she was curious to know what it was about. In addition, had hoped Mio wouldn't have followed her in here because of that too.

While in the movie theater...

" you'd better keep your hands to yourself..." Hiryuu warned, knowing that Mio is just dying to touch her. Having a feeling like she's gonna touch/run her thighs or or something.

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