Vast Differences

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Winter break was coming up and everyone was super excited. Finally a break from a long school year. Time for some holiday fun. Filled with presents, shopping, hot chocolate, n more.

Javelin was bubbling with excitement, shopping was her life. She wanted to go to all the sales. Dragging Laffey along for the ride. Laffey on the other hand, wasn't like Javelin. Who could afford almost anything she wanted.

Laffey had a full time job, and was exhausted.

Practically falling asleep while picking out clothing or getting a drink in the shopping mall.

Javelin got a bit upset, thinking that Laffey is bored or something because she seems to keep dozing off.

So did her best to kept Laffey awake, constantly nagging and calling her name.

All Laffey wanted to do was enjoy a nice holiday nap, sleep in. Rest.

Javelin: " is that all your going to buy? You know a sale like this only happens once a year." Seeing Laffey only have one shopping bag.

Laffey: " yep.. all I need is a pair of pajamas.. *yawns*" tired. Wanting to just turn in. Go home. Hit the hay.

" what about a sleeping mask? Or how about a teddy bear?" Javelin said, still not wanting to leave. Wanting to continue shopping. Until she drops.

" no thank you.. also that stuff is expensive and useless.." Laffey said, thinking it's just junk.

While at the bottom of the mall...

Ayanami was window shopping with Z23.

Ayanami: " finally I get you one day" happy she got to spend at least an off day with Z23.

" well.." Z23 said, looking over at Z1 and Saratoga right behind them. As it wasn't officially just them. Since her sister and her sisters girlfriend tagged along.

Ayanami: " don't. Ruin. It." Not wanting to bring up the fourth wheels.

" aww think of it like a double date" Saratoga said, hearing Z1 say " ja, we can take turns" making Z23 blast her in German.

Z1: " sheesh, Hipper just wants to make sure you don't do anything inappropriate"

Z23 blushed and said " your the one always doing something inappropriate!" Seeing Z1 laugh and say " ja, but your different and she doesn't want you to turn out like me"

Entering a clothing store.

Ayanami: " hey Nimi this would look so cute on you" finding something she thought Z23 would really like.

Z23 shushed her, pushing Ayanami into a nearby changing stall.

" what's your problem?" Ayanami said, as Z23 covered her mouth and said " don't call me Nimi.. not in front of them" embarrassed. Removing her hand from covering Ayanami's mouth.

Ayanami sighed and said " all I wanted to do was have you all to myself but it looks like I can't even have that" upset. Going to leave the stall until Z23 grabbed her wrist and pulled her back.

Z23: " w-well maybe I can make that up to you" blushing saying that.

Ayanami smirked and said " really? What are you gonna do?"

Saratoga: " good job keeping an eye on her" pointing to the changing stall.

Z1: " huh?" Not getting it at first than realize what Sara was talking about.

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