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(WARNING: this chapter contains some super shipist/racist things although they all have a good learning lesson outcome). Don't read if you don't want to.

After Langley was done teaching history class.

" Javelin do you think Americans are just rednecks compared to you?" Laffey questioned, wondering if that's how the British see the Americans.

Javelin was surprised at Laffeys inquiry and said " what?! No! Of course not! You may be crass and unsophisticated but that doesn't make you any less" hearing Laffey say " wow thanks Javelin" thinking that's kinda nice and reassuring while at the same time horrible. I mean... crass and unsophisticated?... wow... I mean...

Javelin smiled happily thinking everything is good. But than Laffey said " but you know that's like saying Z23 is our best friend but shes a Nazi" making Z23 say " what?!" Thinking how did the conversation turn to this. Getting into some intense topics. That usually ships do not discuss. At all. I think that they're a law in Azur Lane where it doesn't allow you.

Z23: " how dare you say that!" As her mechanical shark snapped angrily at Laffey.

" Z23's right, Laffey your not suppose to say these things, and that's completely different!" Javelin said, not sure why Laffey interpreted her words so wrong and is bringing their conversation into dangerous waters.

Ayanami: " but Z23 you are a Nazi right?" Thinking that all IronBlood ships are. Not trying to be shipist but just stating the facts. Not holding anything against her friend though. But what Laffey saids is true.

" well we were created to serve Adolf Hitler, but that doesn't mean we really believe in his ideology... I mean when we were just regular plain ships we didn't have a choice" Z23 said, thinking she can't deny that she and other IronBlood ships are Nazi's since... they did serve hitler...

" that's true but still it seems like you ships carry a bit of his ideology..." Javelin just had to state.

Z23: " fine! I guess we do! But you can't say your faction is perfect either." Gesturing to Great Britains long history of suppression of other countries.

Javelin: " I'm not saying we are!" Not understanding why Z23 is getting so upset.

Ayanami: " if anyone's faction is far from perfect it's Laffeys" making Laffey say " your one to talk, especially after you bombed Pearl Harbor"

Ayanami: " yeah, call me a terrorist you shipist piece of-" getting cut off by Langley saying " ladies what's going on?" Hearing some historical rhetoric going around.

Suddenly Langley got blasted with a ton of shipism and factionism. Apparently... teaching ships history about one another is strategically great but also... has horrible downsides.. I mean... bringing up tense raw emotions back into the light isn't really helping the bonding of factions.

" all you Americans are stupid fat pigs" Ayanami said, thinking all they do is eat eat eat and complain keep on oinking.

" oh yeah? Well at least we aren't heartless vultures like you! All you do is take away all our resources! Just get away from our pig pen boarders you filthy freaking foreigners" Laffey said, really bringing out that American red white and blue patriotism...

While that was going on " oh you act so high and mighty when in reality your the ones who first invented slavery! You tried forcing your ideology onto everyone!" Z23 shouted, arguing with Javelin who retorted back " saids the one who's persecuting flawed individuals!"

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