The Promised Chapter

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It was another boring day of school. Nothing was really going on. I'm just kidding! Of course there's something going on. It's called an upcoming field trip. It was the talk of the school.

" finally we actually get a break from all this bullshit" Ayanami said, sitting on the bleachers watching the teenagers go at it. They were playing American Football.

The pre-teens, kids, and little kids were all sitting on the bleachers watching.

Apparently some conflict between class times interfere with one another since the school was still young and hadn't worked out all the kinks yet.

Peter was on the case, coming up with a plan on how to fix this. Since we can't have so many periods of class extending past 2:00 since that's when all the students are dismissed. But the pre-k to kindergarteners get out at 12:00pm. And we got how many students in how many classes? Sometimes things just don't work out. So... there happens to be sometimes a gym class where all the grades interact with each other. Which seems nice, but... not when... your playing sports?

" waaaaaaa!" Mutsuki cried. Having her ball taken away by the teenagers who were much bigger and stronger than her.

" aww what's wrong kitty? Don't know how to play?" Kongou said, in a mean girls kind of way.

" Kongou you know that's not fair" Noshrio said, seeing her classmates just bully the little kids. Mostly taking advantage of them by age.

" so what? Should we just hand them the ball and let them score free goals?" Kongou said, not gonna allow that to happen.

" Haruna! Stop playing with Nagatskui!" Kongou said, seeing her fooling around.

" THATS RACIST!" Nagatskui said out loud, thinking she's not gonna play with that kitty toy. Even though... it's so tempting.

Haruna: " awwww so adorable!" pinching Nagatskui's cheeks. Finding the little Sakura Empire girls who are part animal just so adorable.

Ark Royal was drooling, kept out of the school by a very thinly made chain link fence.

" we definitely need another gym teacher" Peter said, discussing it with Princeton and Baltimore. Knowing she loves teaching it, but she needs some help. She can't just school all the grades into one.

" we should get Hipper to fill in." Baltimore said, knowing Hipper is usually the hall monitor in a sense and watches the kids in detention but thinking maybe she's put to better use being another gym teacher.

" that's a great idea! It'll save the school money too!" Princeton said, onboard with the idea. Happy she doesn't need to hire another person where she can just use Hipper and keep paying her the same pay for doing two jobs instead of one.

" Hipper is..." Peter said thinking she's not really a "nice" choice in a way. Knowing if she was the gym teacher her training would be brutal. IronBlood kind of brutal.

" perfect! Hey! Hipper!" Baltimore called out, seeing Hipper already demanding the kids in detention do 1,000 laps around the field and now 1,000 push ups.

" I'd recommend getting a ship called Mikasa I heard she's pretty skilled." Peter said, thinking they should get Mikasa instead.

" well..." Princeton said, thinking ok fine she can hire another gym teacher. Deciding on this. She'll have 3 gym teachers. Baltimore will be one, Hipper the other, and Mikasa the last.

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