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Nelson, Hammann, and Hipper were all assigned to do a long distance sortie. And Boiiii they did not like each other, at all.

You can say the same hatred Hipper has for Friedrich applies here. The infuriating feeling Hammann gets from being teased by Hornet applies here. And Nelson's personality well... she's just not a nice ship. She's just like Kii, an asshole. But at least Kii cares about others. As for Nelson, well not so much. Or at all.

" we're lost aren't we?!" Hipper yelled, very upset as Hammann shouted back " Hammann knows where we're going!" Angrily.

Hipper: " you said that an hour ago!"

Hammann: " Hammann knows where she's going!"

Hammann: " anyway! Did you fix the transmitter yet hmm?" Hearing Hipper say " ja, they can hear us but I haven't fixed the transmission for us to hear them" making Hammann say " great job, and you complain about me" sarcastically.

Hipper: " well I'm not the idiot to break our transmissions!" Looking at the both of them. Knowing Nelson blasted a shell at Hipper which knows out her transmission because she was fighting a Siren and Nelson blew both of them up. Which a ship in their right mind wouldn't do but Nelson knew Hipper could take the hit. Still not a very good excuse though...

When it came to Hammann's transmission it was super staticky and she just got so upset she threw it into the water and lost it... yeah..

As for Nelson she disabled/removed her transmission because she didn't want to listen to other ships.... yep...

Nelson groaned and said " why do I have to be stuck with you two flat chested buffoons" making Hipper say " huhhh???!!! What did you say idiot?!" As Hammann replied back with " at least it beats being a overgrown bimbo!"

Nelson: " oh! Who are you calling an overgrown bimbo you sorry excuse for a pussy cat! And is it because your so old you can't listen to others? Or you've always been like that?" Speaking to both Hammann and Hipper.

You could clearly see all of Hammann's fur puffed up angrily, like a cat getting ready to scratch and hiss.

Hipper felt the same way, she wanted to teach her a lesson talking to her this way.

" now girls this is no time for fighting" Helena was on the coms with them. Overhearing them get out of hand and completely ignoring her.

Helena sighed, thinking they can't be helped.

" do we need to send out a rescue?" Shangri-La asked, hearing Helena say " if you ask me you do, to save them for themselves but currently they're not in any danger so... no.." thinking she just needs to bare them complaining for a few more hours.


" your literally never home!" Phoenix said, arguing with Tosa.

Tosa wanted to get out of the house. Or should I say cave. Even though they can afford a house from Tosa's newly acquired job of actually going on missions/Sorties. But not any mission/sortie, missions and Sorties with her sister ship Kii so you know they're high level and so high paying level as well.

" where are you going?!" Phoenix shouted, following Tosa down the mountain into the forest. " you can't avoid this conversation forever!" Phoenix called, persistently following her.

Tosa didn't want to argue. She didn't like arguments. She couldn't understand why Phoenix was so adamant in bringing this up. She thought Phoenix would be happy now that they have money, and not just money but a lot of it. As well as a sudden change in social class for them. But Tosa now got the feeling of dread every time she came home to see her, it was like she'd rather avoid Phoenix because of the way she acted. Which was angry and upset that she's not home.

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