I Need To Stop

102 4 72

^ I'm sorry I don't remember if I used this song before, I'm really loosing track.

Anyway, it was a few days since that... incident...

Zuikaku noticed that lately Takao's been avoiding her.

" hey Takao wanna grab some lu-" Zuikaku was cut off by Takao saying " no" but realized her tone of voice which sounded so harshly and said " n-no sorry. I'm not really hungry you go on ahead." in a more lighter polite tone.

Zuikaku didn't know what was troubling her friend. Whenever she'd show up to training, Takao would leave, at first Zuikaku let it slide thinking that she must've worked out before her and wanted to take a break but after a while... something was clearly off. Zuikaku asked about it, but Takao always gave her excuses. Even though they always train together.

Zuikaku was feeling really down, she wondered if she had done something to upset her friend. Maybe... maybe it was because she failed that mission! And it's been going around!/being talked about! And maybe that's why Takao is ashamed to hang out with her!- Zuikaku thought. And if not, what else could it be?- Zuikaku thought. As her sister Shoukaku gave her reassurance that it's probably not that, knowing Takao isn't one ship to just turn tail and leave you like that over something so minuscule.

" than what could it be?!" Zuikaku shouted out loud, loosing her temper.

" s-sorry big sis" Zuikaku said, apologizing. Seeing her big sister give her a mean look for that outburst.

" why don't you ask her yourself?" Shoukaku said, hearing Zuikaku say " I tried but-" Shoukaku cut her off saying " try harder." Than went into another room and came out with some brand new clothing just for Zuikaku to wear.

" like it?" Shoukaku said, showing her some very slutty underwear.

" NO!" Zuikaku said, blushing fiercely. Super embarrassed that Shoukaku is buying her stuff like this to wear.

" really? All the American and British ships wear them" Shoukaku said, hearing Zuikaku say " I don't want to know that!" Covering her face with her hands.

" but at least they wear something. I heard the German ships don't wear anything underne-" Shoukaku was cut off by Zuikaku trying to rush out of the door saying " I- I'm gonna go talk to Takao!"

Shoukaku: " hold it! You aren't going anything!" As a huge gust of wind slam the door shut.

Shoukaku refused to let Zuikaku off the hook. Not after she spent 400 gems on this pair of underwear.

" put these on before you go" Shoukaku said, making Zuikaku say " what?! Why?!" Blushing.

" because I spent 400 gems on them! I'll be dammed if you don't wear it just once! Like how you managed to rip your bra strap! Now how did that happen? (Causing Zuikaku to blush furiously remembering exactly how that happened, meanwhile Shoukaku was taking of how in the battle Zuikaku loss she managed to break that strap not knowing what took place last chapter). You know that costed me 300 gems for that beauty!"

Zuikaku: " f-fine.." agreeing to wear it. Just because she felt bad for what happened to the bra she got earlier from her.

Shoukaku: " aww see it looks great on you! Like I say, what's the use of clothing if it doesn't make you feel good?" Hearing Zuikaku say " this isn't making me feel good!" Thinking that she's so embarrassed wearing such lewd things. Thank god it's hidden underneath her skirt.

Azur Lane HighOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora